# New Ticket Created by  Patrick R. Michaud 
# Please include the string:  [perl #53896]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=53896 >

On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 11:34:07AM -0400, brian d foy via RT wrote:
>  Ticket <URL: http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=35695 >
> I can compile parrot and it passes all of the tests, but I can't compile
> perl6. Here's the perl6 make output, and I've included a transcript of
> the session for more info. There is no other parrot in my path.
> ...
> cd src/pmc && perl /Users/brian/Dev/parrot/trunk/tools/build/dynpmc.pl
> copy --destination=/Users/brian/Dev/parrot/trunk/runtime/parrot/dynext
> perl6str perl6bool../../parrot  -o perl6.pbc perl6.pir
> real_exception (severity:2 error:75): increment() not implemented in
> class 'ParrotLibrary'
> likely reason: argument count mismatch in main (more than 1 param)
> make: *** [perl6.pbc] Error 75

I'm not sure what would cause this, but I did want to check
if the above output had a copy-n-paste error in it.  The
"../../parrot  -o perl6.pbc perl6.pir" command appears to be
joined with the previous one, which doesn't appear normal to me.

Yes, I'm clutching at straws for this one.  Unfortunately I don't
have a mac on which I could test this.  The error message 
("...argument count mismatch in main...") is also a little
bizarre, which makes me wonder if it's something about the
makefile that is the source of the problem.

> ...
> macbookpro_brian[947]$ svn update       
> At revision 27376.
> macbookpro_brian[948]$ make clean
> ...

You might also try 'make realclean' here instead of a simple
"make clean".  Some of the revisions in-and-around 27376 were
having trouble with Makefiles and clean targets being performed
properly.  Actually, if you could try it again using a fresh
checkout, that might be even better.  There were a few times
over the past couple of days where we were having to do fresh
checkouts because 'make clean' and 'make realclean' weren't
doing their thing.



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