# New Ticket Created by  "Stephen Simmons" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #58294]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=58294 >

I wrote a two argument max function, which uses an if/elsif/elsif/else tree;
the third case in the statement fails but only when $a is negative; the rest

The code is:

sub max($a, $b) {
if defined $a && defined $b {
 if $a >= $b { return $a } else { return $b }
elsif defined $a { return $a }
elsif defined $b { return $b }
else { return undef }

say "1 <" ~ max(3, 4) ~ ">";
say "2 <" ~ max(4, 3) ~ ">";
say "3 <" ~ max(-4, undef) ~ ">";#brokensay "3.5 <" ~ max(4, undef) ~ ">"; #
say "4 <" ~ max(undef,-2) ~ ">";
say "5 <" ~ max(undef, undef) ~ ">";

The output is (except for the comment):

sully:parrot-0.7.0 stephensimmons$ perl6 ../experiment/max.p6
1 <4>
2 <4>
3 <>       # should have returned -43.5 <4>
4 <-2>
5 <>

System/Perl6 info:
sully:parrot-0.7.0 stephensimmons$ uname -a
Darwin sully.local 9.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.4.0: Mon Jun  9 19:30:53
PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
sully:parrot-0.7.0 stephensimmons$ cat .parrot_current_rev

Stephen Simmons

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