# New Ticket Created by  Alex Varyanick 
# Please include the string:  [perl #77178]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=77178 >

# git rev-parse HEAD

13:22 < cono> rakudo: class A::B { has $.s = "hey" }; my $q = "B"; my
$l = gather { take "A::$q".new; }; $l[0].s.say
13:22 <+p6eval> rakudo 69561e: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in get_repr()␤
in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/kBN02ALah1␤  in
                'List::at_pos' at line 1␤  in 'Any::postcircumfix:<[
]>' at line 1658:CORE.setting␤  in main program body
                at line 1␤»
13:22 < cono> Found how to reproduce ;)
13:22 < moritz_> rakudo: class A::B { has $.s = "hey" }; my $q = "B";
my $l = gather { take "A::$q".new; }; $l[0]
13:23 <+p6eval> rakudo 69561e: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in get_repr()␤
in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/Brx41cXyGM␤  in
                'List::at_pos' at line 1␤  in 'Any::postcircumfix:<[
]>' at line 1658:CORE.setting␤  in main program body
                at line 1␤»
13:23 < moritz_> rakudo: class A::B { has $.s = "hey" }; my $q = "B";
my $l = gather { take "A::$q".new; };
13:23 <+p6eval> rakudo 69561e:  ( no output )
13:23 < moritz_> rakudo: class A::B { has $.s = "hey" }; my $q = "B";
my $l = gather { take "A::$q".new; }; $l.eager
13:23 <+p6eval> rakudo 69561e: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in get_repr()␤
in <anon> at line 22:/tmp/7avPB0sgCd␤  in main
                program body at line 1␤»
13:24 < cono> moritz_: it's only possible if prefix namespace present
A::, without it, all good
13:24 < cono> rakudo: class B { has $.s = "hey" }; my $q = "B"; my $l
= gather { take "$q".new; }; $l[0].s.say
13:24 <+p6eval> rakudo 69561e: OUTPUT«hey␤»
13:24 < gfldex> cono: rakudo...@perl.org

Varyanick I. Alex
icq: 102 575 440
skype: cono..

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