It has occurred to me I missed some vital information.  This is true for 
* Rakudo Perl 6, version 2010.08-49-g8cf7fcd built on parrot 2.7.0 r48628
* The version of rakudo that matches to whatever p6eval runs when the output 
starts with "rakudo be80e9"
* Rakudo Star 2010-08

Matt Follett

On Sep 24, 2010, at 2:46 PM, perl6 via RT wrote:

> Greetings,
> This message has been automatically generated in response to the
> creation of a trouble ticket regarding:
>       "Two things that seem like bugs", 
> a summary of which appears below.
> There is no need to reply to this message right now.  Your ticket has been
> assigned an ID of [perl #78032].
> Please include the string:
>         [perl #78032]
> in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. To do so, 
> you may reply to this message.
>                        Thank you,
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hey *,
> I have come across two cases that seem like bugs.  First, this:
> my $j='A'|'B'; my $pair = $j=>'k'; $pair.kv.say
> prints out:
> any("A", "k", "B")
> Is that what it is supposed to do?
> The second issue is similar, if I do this:
> my $junc = 'A' | 'B' | 'C'; my %foo = $junc => 'a value'; say %foo
> I get:
> C   a value
> Obviously, accessing anything other than %foo<C> returns Any() whereas 
> accessing %foo<C> actually returns 'a value'.
> Maybe these aren't bugs and I just don't know any better.
> Thanks,
> Matt Follett

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