
I hope this is an appropriate forum, I want to get the topic off of p5p,
and return there later with a more polished solution...

Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:

jim cromie wrote:

I picked this back up recently, I think it now incorporates all comments
from this thread started 1/6/04, plus a few off-list suggestions.

Thanks, I applied the part of your patch as change #22539.

I didn't apply the test patch, because :
1. you probably missed the fact that Concise returns different output
with threaded and unthreaded perls
2. you gave me an idea for a Grand Plan.

The other day I added an optimisation that basically transforms
   my $x = undef;
   my $x;
but I didn't add a test for it, because I didn't knew how to do it.
Thus, if we then modify the optree building in a way that breaks this
optimisation, this will go unnoticed, and this is not a good thing.
But your patch to B::Concise gives a tool to test such things.

So what I'd like is a new test file, let's say ext/B/t/optrees.t, that
lists code snippets and expected optrees in a way perhaps inspired by
the things under t/lib/warnings/*, in a way that it's easy to add new
stuff ; that takes into account perl configuration differences
(useithreads for example) ; and in which in the future we would add
regression tests for optree optimisations. (@x = sort @x in place comes
to mind as well.) What do you think about this ?

Lots to think about.  But rather than start a design by committee thing,
heres a strawman to start with.  It falls short on the 'framework'
question, but tests are still easy to add.

Attached patch pbc2.4 reworks the tests:

ext/B/t/concise.t       tests B::Concise API
  defines test function & helper
  calls to test-func use heredocs to give args

tests are in 3 grps;
   selftests - harness works as intended.
   canonical example - from B::Concise docs
      may add more B::Concise tests for Outside O Framework
      my $a = undef;
      @a = sort @a;


B::Concise gives different format for threaded vs non-threaded builds.
Note that the gvsv op is the only one different - in this sample.
    with '[]' replaced by '()'
   and leading <#> replaced by <$>

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bc3]$ ./perl -Ilib -MO=Concise -e '$a++'
5  <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end)
1     <0> enter ->2
2     <;> nextstate(main 1 -e:1) v ->3
4     <1> preinc[t2] vK/1 ->5
-        <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM/1 ->4
3           <#> gvsv[*a] s ->4
-e syntax OK

[EMAIL PROTECTED] bleadnothread]$ ./perl -Ilib -MO=Concise -e '$a++'
5  <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end)
1     <0> enter ->2
2     <;> nextstate(main 1 -e:1) v ->3
4     <1> preinc[t1] vK/1 ->5
-        <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM/1 ->4
3           <$> gvsv(*a) s ->4
-e syntax OK

The tests now pass for both threaded and non-threaded,
via a non-thread fixup stage, but is is done opcode by opcode,
and WILL NEED enhancement as new opcodes are added into tests.

are threaded/non-threaded differences considered to be a feature ? is eliminating the diff a wrong-headed fix ?

diff -ru bleadperl/MANIFEST bc3/MANIFEST
--- bleadperl/MANIFEST  Fri Mar 19 05:19:30 2004
+++ bc3/MANIFEST        Tue Mar 23 12:15:49 2004
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@
 ext/B/t/lint.t         See if B::Lint works
 ext/B/Todo             Compiler backend Todo list
 ext/B/t/o.t            See if O works
+ext/B/t/optree.t       See if optimization works
 ext/B/t/showlex.t      See if B::ShowLex works
 ext/B/t/stash.t                See if B::Stash works
 ext/B/t/terse.t                See if B::Terse works
Only in bc3: MANIFEST~
diff -ru bleadperl/ext/B/t/concise.t bc3/ext/B/t/concise.t
--- bleadperl/ext/B/t/concise.t Tue Feb  4 14:17:24 2003
+++ bc3/ext/B/t/concise.t       Tue Mar 23 01:23:03 2004
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     require './';
-plan tests => 5;
+plan tests => 38;
@@ -34,4 +34,134 @@
     stderr => 1,
-like($out, qr/print/, "-exec option with //=");
+like($out, qr/print/, "'-exec' option output has print opcode");
+######## API tests v.60 
+use Config;    # used for perlio check
+B::Concise->import(qw(set_style set_style_standard add_callback 
+                     add_style walk_output));
+## walk_output argument checking
+# test that walk_output accepts a HANDLE arg
+foreach my $foo (\*STDOUT, \*STDERR) {
+    eval {  walk_output($foo) };
+    is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts STD* " . ref $foo);
+# test that walk_output rejects non-HANDLE args
+foreach my $foo (undef, 0, "string",[], {}) {
+    eval {  walk_output($foo) };
+    isnt ($@, '', "walk_output() rejects arg '$foo'");
+    [EMAIL PROTECTED]''; # clear the fail for next test
+{   # any object that can print should be ok for walk_output
+    package Hugo;
+    sub new { my $foo = bless {} };
+    sub print { CORE::print @_ }
+my $foo = new Hugo;    # suggested this API fix
+eval {  walk_output($foo) };
+is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts obj that can print");
+# now test a ref to scalar
+eval {  walk_output(\my $junk) };
+is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts ref-to-sprintf target");
+$junk = "non-empty";
+eval {  walk_output(\$junk) };
+is ($@, '', "walk_output() accepts ref-to-non-empty-scalar");
+## add_style
+my @stylespec;
+eval { add_style ('junk_B' => @stylespec) };
+like ($@, 'expecting 3 style-format args',
+    "add_style rejects insufficient args");
[EMAIL PROTECTED] = (0,0,0); # right length, invalid values
+eval { add_style ('junk' => @stylespec) };
+is ($@, '', "add_style accepts: stylename => 3-arg-array");
+eval { add_style (junk => @stylespec) };
+like ($@, qr/style 'junk' already exists, choose a new name/,
+    "add_style correctly disallows re-adding same style-name" );
+# test new arg-checks on set_style
+eval { set_style (@stylespec) };
+is ($@, '', "set_style accepts 3 style-format args");
[EMAIL PROTECTED] = (); # bad style
+eval { set_style (@stylespec) };
+like ($@, qr/expecting 3 style-format args/,
+    "set_style rejects bad style-format args");
+#### for content with doc'd options
+set_style_standard('concise');  # MUST CALL b4 output needed
+my $func = sub{ $a = $b+42 };
+    -basic -exec -tree -compact -loose -vt -ascii -main
+    -base10 -bigendian -littleendian
+    );
+foreach $opt (@options) {
+    walk_output(\my $out);
+    my $treegen = B::Concise::compile($opt, $func);
+    $treegen->();
+    #print "foo:$out\n";
+    isnt($out, '', "got output with option $opt");
+## test output control via walk_output
+my $treegen = B::Concise::compile('-basic', $func); # reused
+{ # test output into a package global string (sprintf-ish)
+    our $thing;
+    walk_output(\$thing);
+    $treegen->();
+    ok($thing, "walk_output to our SCALAR, output seen");
+{ # test output to GLOB, using perlio feature directly
+    skip 1, "no perlio on this build" unless $Config{useperlio};
+    open (my $fh, '>', \my $buf);
+    walk_output($fh);
+    $treegen->();
+    ok($buf, "walk_output to GLOB, output seen");
+## Test B::Concise::compile error checking
+# call compile on non-CODE ref items
+foreach my $ref ([], {}) {
+    my $typ = ref $ref;
+    walk_output(\my $out);
+    eval { B::Concise::compile('-basic', $ref)->() };
+    like ($@, qr/^err: not a coderef: $typ/,
+         "compile detects $typ-ref where expecting subref");
+    # is($out,'', "no output when errd"); # announcement prints
+# test against a bogus autovivified subref.
+# in debugger, it should look like:
+#  1  CODE(0x84840cc)
+#      -> &CODE(0x84840cc) in ???
+sub nosuchfunc;
+eval { B::Concise::compile('-basic', \&nosuchfunc)->() };
+like ($@, qr/^err: coderef has no START/,
+      "compile detects CODE-ref w/o actual code");
+foreach my $opt (qw( -concise -exec )) {
+    eval { B::Concise::compile($opt,'non_existent_function')->() };
+    like ($@, qr/unknown function \(main::non_existent_function\)/,
+         "'$opt' reports non-existent-function properly");
diff -ru bleadperl/ext/B/t/optree.t bc3/ext/B/t/optree.t
--- bleadperl/ext/B/t/optree.t  Tue Mar 23 12:31:07 2004
+++ bc3/ext/B/t/optree.t        Tue Mar 23 17:42:31 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+use Test::More (tests => 19);
+B::Concise->import(qw(set_style set_style_standard add_callback 
+                     add_style walk_output));
+my %gopts = ( rextract => 0 ); 
+if (@ARGV) {
+    $gopts{rextract} = 1;
+    print "use re 'debug';\n";
+sub checkOptree {
+    my %opts = @_;
+  SKIP: {
+      skip 1, $opts{name} if $opts{skip};
+      my $treegen = B::Concise::compile($opts{option}, $opts{code});
+      die unless ref $treegen eq 'CODE';
+      my $reftext = fixup_reftext($opts{expect});
+    B::Concise::reset_sequence();
+      walk_output(\my $out);
+      $treegen->();
+      like ($out, qr/^$reftext$/ms, $opts{name});
+      #print "<$out>\nVS\n<$reftext>\n";
+      # save this output and edit for an extract of regexs
+      print ("\$str = q{$out};\n".
+            "\$rex = qr{$reftext};\n".
+            "print \"\$str =~ m{\$rex}ms \";\n".
+            "\$str =~ m{\$rex}ms or print \"doh\\n\";\n\n")
+         if $opts{rextract} or $gopts{rextract};
+  }
+# needless complexity due to 'too much info' from B::Concise v.60
+my $announce = 'B::Concise::compile\(CODE\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)\)';;
+sub fixup_reftext {
+    my $str = shift;
+    # converts arg to Regexp which should match against unaltered version
+    # also responsible for threaded/non-threaded adjustments
+    # escape metachars. manual \Q (doesnt escape '+')
+    $str =~ s/([\[\]()[EMAIL PROTECTED])/\\$1/msg;
+    # replace padsv, padav args
+    $str =~ s/padsv\\\[.*?\\\]/padsv\\\[.*?\\\]/msg;
+    $str =~ s/padav\\\[.*?\\\]/padav\\\[.*?\\\]/msg;
+    $str =~ s/add\\\[.*?\\\]/add\\\[.*?\\\]/msg;
+    $str =~ s/rv2av\\\[.*?\\\]/rv2av\\\[.*?\\\]/msg;
+    # replace nextstate args
+    $str =~ s/state\\\(.*?\\\) /state\\\(.*?\\\) /msg;
+    # leavesub fixup
+    $str =~ s/\d+ refs?/\\d+ refs?/msg;
+    # fix to run under debugger
+    $str =~ s/nextstate/(?:db|next)state/msg;
+    #print "str: $str";
+    unless ($Config::Config{usethreads}) {
+       # for the most part, these are ok
+       #$str =~ s/\[/\(/msg;
+       #$str =~ s/\]/\)/msg;
+       # hacky
+       #$str =~ s{ \\\[ } {[\\\(\\\[]}msgx;
+       #$str =~ s{ \\\] } {[\\\)\\\]]}msgx;
+       $str =~ s/<\\#>/<\\\$>/msg;
+       # these opcodes switch bracing:
+       $str =~ s/(gv\w*)\\\[.*?\\\]/$1\\\(.*?\\\)/msg;
+       $str =~ s/(const)\\\[.*?\\\]/$1\\\(.*?\\\)/msg;
+    }
+    return "$announce\n$str";
+# add new tests here
+# expect => $data must be from threaded builds.  theyre converted for
+# use in testing on non-threaded builds.
+checkOptree ( name   => "TODO: minimal search confounded by announcement",
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a},
+             expect => 'leavesub');
+checkOptree ( name   => 'nextstate fixup',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a},
+             #skip => 1,
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main 22 (eval 10):1) v
+2  <0> padsv[$a:-\d+,-\d+] M/LVINTRO
+3  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'padsv fixup',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a},
+             #skip => 1,
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main 22 (eval 10):1) v
+2  <0> padsv[$a:-33,-44] M/LVINTRO
+3  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'unneeded manual rexification by test author',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(.*?) v
+2  <0> padsv[.*?] M/LVINTRO
+3  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'FALSE POSITIVE: skip works silently, wo notice',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a},
+             #skip => 1,
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(.*?) v
+2  <0> padsv[.*?] M/LVINTRO
+3  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+pass("CANONICAL B::Concise EXAMPLE");
+checkOptree ( name   => 'canonical example: -basic',
+             option => '-basic',
+             code   =>  sub{$a=$b+42},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+7  <1> leavesub[\d+ refs?] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
+-     <@> lineseq KP ->7
+1        <;> nextstate(foo bar) v ->2
+6        <2> sassign sKS/2 ->7
+4           <2> add[t\d+] sK/2 ->5
+-              <1> ex-rv2sv sK/1 ->3
+2                 <#> gvsv[*b] s ->3
+3              <$> const[IV 42] s ->4
+-           <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM*/1 ->6
+5              <#> gvsv[*a] s ->6
+checkOptree ( name   => 'canonical example: -concise',
+             option => '-concise',
+             code   => sub{$a=$b+42},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+7  <1> leavesub[\d+ refs?] K/REFC,1 ->(end)
+-     <@> lineseq KP ->7
+1        <;> nextstate(foo bar) v ->2
+6        <2> sassign sKS/2 ->7
+4           <2> add[t\d+] sK/2 ->5
+-              <1> ex-rv2sv sK/1 ->3
+2                 <#> gvsv[*b] s ->3
+3              <$> const[IV 42] s ->4
+-           <1> ex-rv2sv sKRM*/1 ->6
+5              <#> gvsv[*a] s ->6
+checkOptree ( name   => 'canonical example: -exec',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub{$a=$b+42},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main 12 (eval 6):1) v
+2  <#> gvsv[*b] s
+3  <$> const[IV 42] s
+4  <2> add[t3] sK/2
+5  <#> gvsv[*a] s
+6  <2> sassign sKS/2
+7  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'my-var no-init baseline',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a},
+             #skip => 1,
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main 22 (eval 10):1) v
+2  <0> padsv[$a:-\d+,-\d+] M/LVINTRO
+3  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'same code, diff results 2nd time',
+              todo   => 'FIX "goto" FUDGED INTO MOST TESTS',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a},
+             #skip => 1,
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main 22 (eval 10):1) v
+2  <0> padsv[$a:-\d+,-\d+] M/LVINTRO
+3  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'my-var init w undef.  This optimization is working',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a=undef},
+             #skip => 1,
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main 22 (eval 10):1) v
+2  <0> padsv[$a:-\d+,-\d+] sRM*/LVINTRO
+3  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'TODO: my-var init w empty list',
+              todo   => 'optimize out steps 2,3',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my $a=()},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main -439 optree.t:105) v
+2  <0> stub sP
+3  <0> padsv[$a:-439,-438] sRM*/LVINTRO
+4  <2> sassign sKS/2
+5  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'sort baseline',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {sort @a},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main -437 optree.t:231) v
+2  <0> pushmark s
+3  <#> gv[*a] s
+4  <1> rv2av[t2] lK/1
+5  <@> sort K
+6  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'sort optimization',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub [EMAIL PROTECTED] = sort @a},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main -438 optree.t:244) v
+2  <0> pushmark s
+3  <0> pushmark s
+4  <#> gv[*a] s
+5  <1> rv2av[t2] lK/1
+6  <@> sort lK
+7  <0> pushmark s
+8  <#> gv[*a] s
+9  <1> rv2av[t2] lKRM*/1
+a  <2> aassign[t\d+] KS/COMMON
+b  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
+checkOptree ( name   => 'sort optimization on my-var',
+             option => '-exec',
+             code   => sub {my @a; @a = sort @a},
+             expect => <<'=====================');
+           goto -
+1  <;> nextstate(main -437 optree.t:254) v
+2  <0> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:-437,-436] vM/LVINTRO
+3  <;> nextstate(main -436 optree.t:256) v
+4  <0> pushmark s
+5  <0> pushmark s
+6  <0> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:-437,-436] l
+7  <@> sort lK
+8  <0> pushmark s
+9  <0> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:-437,-436] lRM*
+a  <2> aassign[t\d+] KS/COMMON
+b  <1> leavesub[1 ref] K/REFC,1
Only in bc3/ext/B/t: optree.t~
Only in bc3: junk
Only in bc3:
Only in bc3:
Only in bc3: junk.t
Only in bc3: opmatch.t
Only in bc3: opmatch.t~
Only in bc3/t: misctmp001

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