On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 10:26:59PM +0100, The Perl 6 Summarizer wrote:
>   Missing MMD default functions
>     Dan was somewhat bemused to find that the MMD functions' defaults had
>     disappeared when he did a sync with subversion. He wondered whether this
>     was deliberate. Turns out that it was. I'm not sure whether Chip's ruled
>     that it was Right though.

I'm leaning toward It's Right.

Once MMD came onto the scene, the mere existence of vtable functions
was no longer a strong determinant of correct actions, but rather the
formal class and its inheritance.  So right now, if you're writing a
PMC that should participate in MMD like a Float, you're going to have
to go to the extremely painful and time-consuming step of deriving
from Float.  And you can be sure that you won't be used as a Float if
you don't derive.  I have a hard time seeing a down side here.

In fact, I'm really wondering whether, someday, in a distant galaxy's
source code repository, vtables could be completely replaced with an
MMD mechanism, presumably one optimized for single invocants.  But
that's hardly a topic for today.

>   A note WRT exception handlers
>     Leo posted a quick discussion of the correct use of exception handlers
>     in Parrot. Essentially, the rule is, your exception handler should jump
>     back to the point just after the exception handler block:
>             push_eh except_N
>               # Code that might fail
>             clear_eh
>         resume_N:
>             ...
>         except_N:
>             ...
>             goto resume_N
>     Easy eh?

Yeah, but p6i archives are a poor substitute for documentation.
Somebody want to find a good pod to document this, and do so?
Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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