Hey, all.
  This is my fourth attempt at splitting out the platform dependincies
(now called "features", to distinguish them from stupid bugs that
os-implementors put in to keep people from writing portable code (my, that
sounded bitter.  Let it stand)).  Untar
http://www.rtweb.net/theorb/platsplit.tar.gz in your parrot tree, and rm
-r platforms.  

A word of archetecture:
All funtions are catagory_funtion, documented in
Almost everything is a sepperate catagory.  This has the added benifit of
keeping function names from being likely to conflict.  However, it means
that we have silly things like sleep_sleep() and time_time().

I shall now stop worring, as I only acatualy ever run two platforms (winxp
& linux) and only compile for one of them.

However, I can now work with dynamic loading without having to worry too
much about platdeps.

        -=- James Mastros
"In the case of alchemy v chemistry the chemists know whether it will
probably go bang before they try it (and the chemical engineers still duck
anyway)."       -=- Alan Cox

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