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=head1 TITLE

Fix iteration of nested hashes

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 18 Sep 2000
  Last Modified: 25 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 255
  Version: 3
  Status: Retracted


The thread:

points out some serious problems that the proposal did
not address. As I do not have time to find/invent good solutions, I
am forced to withdraw the proposal.

Anyone wishing to take up the cudgels against this annoying problem
has my encouragement to pick whatever they like from the bones of this


This RFC proposes that the internal cursor iterated by the C<each> function 
be stored in the pad of the block containing the C<each>, rather than
being stored within the hash being iterated.


Currently, nesting two C<each> iterations on the same hash leads to
unexpected behaviour, because both C<each>s advance the same internal
cursor within the hash. For example:

        %desc = ( blue  => "moon",
                  green => "egg",
                  red   => "Baron" );

        while ( my ($key1,$value1) = each %desc )
                while ( my ($key2,$value2) = each %desc )
                        print "$value2 is not $key1\n"
                                unless $key1 eq $key2;
        print "(finished)\n";

It is proposed that each C<each> maintain its own cursor (stored in the pad
of the block containing it) so that the above example DWIMs.


Minimal. No-one nests iterators now because it doesn't work.

Usages such as:

        $x = each %hash;
        $y = each %hash;
        @z = each %hash;

would change their behaviour, but could be translated if p52p6 defined:

        sub p5_each(\%) { each %{$_[0]} }

and globally replaced each Perl 5 C<each> by C<p5_each>.

There would not (necessarily) be any effect on the use of FIRSTKEY and NEXTKEY
in tied hashes, since the compiler could still determine which should be
called. However, tied hashes that use an internal cursor might behave
differently, if nested.


Store the cursor in the pad of the block in which the C<each> is defined,
rather than within hash.


RFC 136: (Implementation of hash iterators) suggests separate iterators for C<each> 
and C<keys>/C<values>. 

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