Aaron Sherman wrote:

(updated based on followup conversations)

Proposal: A sigil followed by [...] is always a composer for that type.

    %[...]    - Hash.
    @[...]    - Array.
    &[...]    - Code.
    |[...]    - Capture. Identical to \(...).
    $[...]    - Scalar. Like item(...), but forces copying even in argument 

Added after:


fglock pointed out that @(...), %(...) actually already do this.

I was going to modify this proposal around that, but then I looked at the variations. I now contend that <sigil>(...) has more of a "cast" semantic than a "compose" semantic. If we wish to combine the two, then we could, but that would require that &(...) take a block body, not an expression (again, not what &(...) does now, at all).

In the end, I still think the bracket forms are a wonderfully simple solution to the ambiguity problem, and I'm more convinced every time I look at this that the ambiguity needs a fix. What's more, having one syntax for composition of container and non-container types in free-form data structures is tremendously appealing. We've thrown out ${...}, so we could use that instead of brackets, but that's just one more shift-key, and it doesn't seem to buy much. Am I wrong?

fglock also suggested that this might not be seen by the community as "looking like perl." I'm not so sure that's the case, since we already have @(...) and @{...}, but even if some do feel that way, I AM NOT proposing that we eliminate any currently correct behavior. I am only suggesting that we add "one more way to do it" for those of us who want to dodge the ambiguity. Surely, that's not a big request?

To sum up:

        <sigil>(...) - cast expression ... to type implied by sigil
        <sigil>[...] - composition of type implied by sigil

Nice and uniform, no?

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