A status report ...

I have now ported and committed the whole Locale::KeyedText test suite to Perl 6, and made a bunch of improvements to the Perl 6 version of that module itself.

As of now, I see nothing further that needs doing with this module in the short term, except for inevitable small fixes. I have done about the most I could considering that Pugs lacks some of the features required to execute it.

Once the necessary features are added, I'll revisit the module and make sure it executes correctly.

During this exercise I also discovered issues and made some improvements to the Perl 5 version of the module and its test suite (and also to some other Perl 5 modules of mine), that could be considered a back-port; this should find its way to CPAN shortly under the release number v1.02.

This said, I welcome any feedback on the module code, should you see anything in LKT that doesn't look like proper Perl 6 code.

In a few weeks, I'll start porting SQL::Routine to Perl 6. This module's Perl 5 code size is about 25 times the size of the Perl 5 Locale::KeyedText (135K vs 6K), so the task is orders of magnitude larger. That said, SQL::Routine is a heavily data-driven module, and a full third of its code line count is a "data dictionary" structure definition; porting that component is trivial.

To cut down on the space used in the Pugs distro, I'll forgo moving over most of the SRT POD, which is two-thirds of the SRT distribution size; users can refer to the Perl 5 version for documentation. I want to make some significant improvements to the Perl 5 version (up to v0.57 at least) and other modules that depend on it, and get user feedback on those, prior to porting it.

Thanks to the rest of you who are working on driving Perl 6 in some fashion; we're much better off for your contributions.

Have a good day. -- Darren Duncan

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