Author: lwall
Date: 2010-02-13 20:50:14 +0100 (Sat, 13 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 29713

[S02] list all the scope declarators in one spot
further distinguish parcels bound to sigs from those bound to parameters
some ideas on how to handle the allomorphism of literals more dwimmily

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2010-02-13 18:56:17 UTC (rev 29712)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod        2010-02-13 19:50:14 UTC (rev 29713)
@@ -1589,6 +1589,8 @@
 =item *
 The C<$Package'var> syntax is gone.  Use C<$Package::var> instead.
+(Note, however, that identifiers may now contain an apostrophe or
+hyphen if followed by an "idfirst" letter.)
 =item *
@@ -1607,13 +1609,13 @@
     my &func := sub { say "Hi" };
     func;   # calls &func
-Within a signature or other declaration, the C<::> sigil followed by an
+Within a signature or other declaration, the C<::> pseudo-sigil followed by an
 identifier marks a type variable that also declares the visibility
 of a package/type name without the sigil within the scope of the
 declaration.  The first such declaration within a scope is assumed
 to be an unbound type, and takes the actual type of its associated
 argument.  With subsequent declarations in the same scope the use of
-the sigil is optional, since the bare type name is also declared.
+the pseudo-sigil is optional, since the bare type name is also declared.
 A declaration nested within must not use the sigil if it wishes to
 refer to the same type, since the inner declaration would rebind
@@ -1702,6 +1704,22 @@
 =item *
+Normal names and variables are declared using a I<scope declarator>:
+    my          # introduces lexically scoped names
+    our         # introduces package-scoped names
+    has         # introduces attribute names
+    anon        # introduces names that aren't to be stored anywhere
+    state       # introduces lexically scoped but persistent names
+    augment     # adds definitions to an existing name
+    supersede   # replaces definitions of an existing name
+Names may also be declared in the signature of a function.  These are
+equivalent to a C<my> declaration inside the block of the function,
+except that such parameters default to readonly.
+=item *
 Sigils are now invariant.  C<$> always means a scalar variable, C<@>
 an array variable, and C<%> a hash variable, even when subscripting.
 In item context, variables such as C<@array> and C<%hash> simply
@@ -1826,18 +1844,29 @@
 into a C<Capture> with 3 positionals and one named argument
 in preparation for binding.
-A parcel may be captured into an object with backslashed parens:
+A parcel may be wrapped into an object with backslashed parens:
     $args = \(1,2,3,:mice<blind>)
 Values in the C<Parcel> object are parsed as ordinary expressions,
 and any functions mentioned are called, with their results placed
-as a single subparcel within the outer parcel.  Whether they
+as either a single item or subparcel within the outer parcel.  Whether a 
 are subsequently flattened will depend on the eventual binding.
 =item *
-If a C<Parcel> is used as a list of arguments, it will be transformed
+If a C<Parcel> is bound to an individual parameter, the behavior
+depends on whether the parameter is "slicey" or "slurpy".  Positional
+parameters and slice parameters call C<.getobj> on the internal
+iterator and just return the next item or parcel without flattening.
+(Such a parcel transmutes to a C<Seq> object.)  Slurpy parameters
+call C<.get> on the internal iterator, which flattens any subparcels
+before pulling out the next item.  In either case, no bare parcel
+object is seen as a normal parameter.  (There is a way to bind the
+underlying parcel using backslash.)
+In contrast to parameter binding,
+if a C<Parcel> is bound to an entire signature, it will be transformed
 into a C<Capture> objects, which is much like a C<Parcel> but has its
 arguments divvied up into positional and named subsets for faster
 binding.  (Usually this transformation happens at compile time.)
@@ -3010,6 +3039,28 @@
 =item *
+Generalizing the policy on literal numbers above, any literal number
+that would overflow a C<Rat64> in the numerator is also stored as
+a string.  If a coercion to a wider type, such as C<FatRat>, is
+requested, the literal reconverts from the entire original
+string, rather than just the value that would fit into a C<Rat64>.
+(It may then cache that converted value for next time, of course.)
+So if you declare a constant with excess precision, it does not
+automatically become a C<FatRat>, which would force all calculations
+into the pessimal C<FatRat> type.
+    constant pi is export = 3.14159_26535_89793_23846_26433_83279_50288;
+    say pi.perl;   # 3.141592653589793238, limited by Rat64 denom of 1 
+    say pi.Num     # 3.14159265358979
+    say pi.Str;    # 3.14159_26535_89793_23846_26433_83279_50288
+    say pi.FatRat; # 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288
+In this case it is not necessary to put angles around to get the allomorphism.
+Merely exceeding the precision of C<Rat64> is sufficient to trigger the
+behavior (but only for literals).
+=item *
 There is now a generalized adverbial form of Pair notation.  The
 following table shows the correspondence to the "fatarrow" notation:

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