Please CC Mr.Sasada on any response.

(I've moved this ticket to the parrot queue.)


=== Forwarded Message:

Date: 22 Jul 2003 08:47:22 -0000
Subject: [perl #23084] [The Parrot Primer] Japanese Translation 
From: "K.Sasada via RT" <>
To: "AdminCc of perl Ticket #23084": ;

Hi. My name is Koichi Sasada, a Japanese university student.

I have tried to translate "The Parrot Primer"(*1) to Japanese, and put it on 
my web site(*2).

*2) (Japanese)

I have 2 question.

I don't know who has copyright of this document.
I want to add his/her name on translation.

ii) (more important)
Can I publicise this translation?
Can I continue to put it on my web site?


I'm very interesting in an interpreter(Parrot and Python, Ruby, and so on).
                                                   .. and I'm a rubyist :)

Parrot has many documents. It's very cool. 
I want to understand Parrot technology someday :)


// SASADA Koichi @

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