Perl 6 Summary for 2005-08-02 through 2005-08-10

    Welcome to another summary, brought to you by chinese food. The
    attentive among you will notice that this summary is a day late, because
    I did not feel like doing it yesterday. If only I could do that at

  Perl 6 Compilers
   Pugs Argument Processing
    Vadim Konovalov submitted a patch to pugs affecting @*ARGS processing.
    Maybe it got applied, maybe not, Warnock applies.


   Type Inferencing
    Autrijus wants to type push perl 6's type inferencing as far as it can
    go (and maybe a little beyond). To this end he has been soliciting input
    from all comers. It looks like he has put a lot of thought and research
    into it. One day I expect to be thanking Autrijus for important (if
    likely difficult to understand) compiler errors and warnings..


   WWW::Kontent Release
    Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon announced the release of WWW::Kontent 0.01: "a
    flexible web content management system written in Perl 6 and executable
    with Pugs". It looks nifty to me... Maybe we need to fight Ruby on Rails
    with Perl 6 on Pylons or something. That doesn't quite have the right
    ring to it... there has to be something catch there somewhere.


   Array Interpolation
    Phil Crow wondered why his arrays were not being interpolated in pugs.
    Ingo Blechschmidt and Patrick explained that "@foo" does not
    interpolate, but "@foo[]" does. I sense a frequently asked question


   Pugs 6.2.9 Released
    Autrijus announced the release of Pugs 6.2.9. It is full of nifty new
    feaures including the ability to lay on hands!


   Whitespace Before Parens
    Andrew Shitov wondered why whitespace between function name and parens
    was no longer allowed. Autrijus explained that it allows < print (1+2)*3
    > to print 9 instead of 3. As someone who just last week explained the
    pecularity of ruby printing 3 in the above situation to a complete
    novice, I welcome the change.


   Contain Model Pictures
    Autrijus posted a few pretty pictures explaining the compiler and
    container models. While the compiler model was readily understandable to
    me, the container one wasn't. Fortunately, when prompted Autrijus
    provided a great explanation to accompany the diagram.

    <> -- thread

    <> -- containers

    <> -- compilation

   PxPerl 5.8.7-4
    Upon discovering that Pugs released a new version, Grégoire Péan
    released a new version of PxPerl that includes the new Pugs. I (and many
    others) thank Grégoire for lowering the entry bar for Perl 6 hacking on


   Hosting Lexical Declarations
    Declaring lexicals mid block confuses things, expecially declaring them
    mid statement as in " $x = $x + my $x if $x; ". Autrijus proposed
    hoisting declarations of lexicals to the top of the block.
    Unfortunately, this can make CALLER:: do funny things. Thus, he suggests
    outlawing it. Larry agreed.


    Bdonlan noticed that parrot's test suite was not setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    which makes tests fail. Leo pointed out that most users manually set
    their LD_LIBRARY_PATH as parrot often needs this, but he agreed that the
    tests should do it just in case.


   Improved Argument Processing for
    Tom submitted a patch which improves the command line argument
    processing powers of Warnock applies.


   ANSI Escape Codes in Parrot
    Klaas-Jan Stol was having trouble putting special characters like ANSI
    clear screen and "¥" into strings. Nick pointed out that he need to be
    careful with encodings and escapes. In parrot "\O" is an octal escape,
    in Lua it is apparently not.


   Parrot 0.2.3
    Leo announced the release of Parrot 0.2.3 "Serenity", which reminds me,
    Firefly is coming back soon!! I can't wait! Oddly google seems to have
    swallowed his release notice but not his warnings...


   Strange Filename Based Bug
    Michal Wallace found a bug that would disappear if the file was renamed.
    Leo, with the help of valgrind, provided Michal with a pointer. Michal
    used that to find a likely culprit and provide a patch, which Leo then


   GDBM Hash on MinGW
    François Perrad provided a patch fixing gdbmhash on MinGW. Bernhard
    Schmalhofer applied it.


   PyString Link Problem
    François Perrad also fixed a link problem with pystring.o. Jonathan
    Worthington applied that patch.


   Filling a Large Data Structure
    Amir Karger wanted to know how to fill a large data structure in PIR
    other than explicitly. Leo suggested reading them in from a config file.


   Helping Perl 6
    rjtucke asked the ever dangerous question "How can I help?".
    Unfortunately, I think he asked it on google groups, and thus no one saw
    it and warnock applies.


   PGE Glob Escapes
    PGE Glob Escapes millions die before it can be rounded up again.
    Actually Will Coleda noticed that he could not add a literal "*" to
    globs in PGE. Patrick fixed it so he could.


   Language Test Requirements
    Amir Karger has decided to write a Z-code-to-PIR translator. He wants
    its test suite to be integrated with Parrot's language tests.
    Unfortunately it does not use Test::Simple or even perl. Thus he wanted
    to know a good way to integrate it. Will Coleda, Bernhard Schmalhofer,
    and chromatic all helped provide suggestions.


   mod_parrot 0.3
    Adrian Lambeck provided a patch to fix src/call_list.txt for
    mod_parrot-0.3. chromatic applied it.


   Making Makefile a Little to Clean
    Patrick noticed that the parrot build was breaking. Jonathan Worthington
    narrowed it down to an exact revision number. Leo realized his mistake
    and fixed it.


   Cygwin Status
    Bernhard Schmalhofer applied some old patches from Joshua Gatcomb in the
    hope of getting cygwin better supported. Nick Glencross provided needed
    test results



   Calling SUPER methods
    Klaas-Jan Stol wondered how to call a specific parent methods (possibly
    bypassing child methods). Leo provided a method.


    Adrian Lambeck was having trouble compiling Pugs against Parrot. Leo
    worked with him to find a solution, although one has not been found yet.


   Pure Parrot Test::Builder
    chromatic has written pure parrot versions of Test::Builder and
    Test::Builder::Tester. As always patches are welcome.


   Adding a New Opcode
    Gerd Pokorra wanted to know how to add a new opcode to parrot. Klaas-Jan
    Stol and Leo provided answers.


    François Perrad provided several patches for MinGW and Win32. Warnock


   Update intro.pod
    Jonathan Worthington posted an updated intro.pod. Autrijus provided a
    few edits, and Jonathan is planning on committing it.


   Comment Fix in pir-mode.el
    Jim McKim made the mistake of using emacs. Fortunately he
    counterbalanced that failing with the virtue of submitting a patch to
    fix an error in pir-mode.el file work better. chromatic applied the


   commit bit
    Curtis Rawls seemed to be having trouble using his newly acquired commit
    bit. Warnock applies.


   Segfault with -E
    Tom noticed that parrot -E segfaults and provided a patch. He was not
    very confident about the patch, and warnock applies.


   make test in bc
    Amir Karger noticed that make test in bc dies because antlr is not
    installed. Bernhard Schmalhofer said that he would try and fix it up to
    use the config-test for antlr.


   interpreter.c Breakage
    Amir Karger noticed that a break in interpreter.c. Leo pointed out that
    he need to "make realclean".


   MinGW Meets m4
    François Perrad provided two patched to make m4 work on MinGW. Warnock


   substr Segfault
    Will Coleda posted a short PIR test that will segfault in the substr
    opcode. This led to some discussion of variable width encodings, and the
    explanation from Leo that substr was a call that would probably force
    parrot to rectify variable width encodings into fixed width ones (which
    parrot does lazily). Then he fixed it (presumably as he had suggested).


   Parrot Cygwin Meets Treefrog
    Steve "treefrog" posted a patch he needed to get cygwin testing. I think
    he may have posted it to google group directly though. Warnock applies.


   call opcode cleanups
    Leo attempted to free himself from the horns of warnock by reposting his
    suggested call opcode clean up. Patrick and I voidced our support. More
    accurately I voice support and Patrick indifference.


   Complex Control Flow
    Nigel Hamilton began speculating that Perl 6 might have extremely
    complicated control flow. Then he began to wonder alloud about a form of
    control flow I can only discribe as brain melting. Luke Palmer suggested
    that his proposal might best start as a module.


   Slurpy Parameters and Flattening
    Ingo Blechschmidt's question of the flattening (or not) of slurpy params
    continued producing some suggestions. Piers seemed somewhat unhappy with
    earlier answers, but the thread died out.


   Does If Topicalize
    Luke Palmer noticed " if foo() -" $foo { ... } > in an OSCON talk and
    wondered if "if" now topicalized. Stuart Cook offered a work around.


   Data Constructors
    Luke Palmer posted his thoughts on unifying units and data constructors
    (a la Haskell or ML). Warnock applies.


   Calling Methods on undef
    Ingo Blechschmidt wondered what would happen if he called "undef.chars"
    or "char undef". Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon responded that it would return
    undef in the absence of " use fatal ". Larry confirmed this behavior.


   Reassigning .ref and .meta
    Ingo Blechschmidt wondered what would happen if he assigned to .ref or
    .meta. Luke Palmer figured that it would not be allowed. I think it
    should cause a large person to come over to your house and kick you.
    This is probably a good reason I don't write error messages.


   Questioning .ref and .meta
    Ingo Blechschmidt left a bunch of blanks for people to fill in with
    respect to .ref and .meta. Luke Palmer apparently segfaulted in the
    attempt to do fill in the blanks.


   Subscripting Pairs
    Ingo Blechschmidt wondered if one could subscript pairs. Larry declared


   Perl 6 Test in Parrot 0.2.3
    Andrew Shitov was having trouble running Perl 6 under the latest parrot.
    Autrijus pointed out that the program he was trying to run was abandoned
    in June of 2004 and then pointed him toward Pugs.


   Java -> Perl ?
    Tim Bunce wondered if any work had started on parsing Java interface
    definitions and translating them to Perl 6. Warnock applies (which
    probably means no).


   Meta Object Questions
    Stevan Little posted some of his thoughts on the MetaObject internals
    for comment. Many questions ensued, my eyes glazed over, the summarizer



   " defined " and " typed " Traits
    Autrijus mused about how to deal with defined and typed traits in Perl
    6. This led Larry to wonder about undef being a class or a class being
    undef or something confusing.


   " is constant " Sugar
    Autrijus wondered how " is constant " would desugar if it were a special
    form. Larry came up with suggestions, some of which said it desugared
    some of which said it didn't.


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