Sam Vilain wrote:
To me what's missing stands out like a sore thumb - that making sure a
package/class definition can express all the same primitive elements
used by the current emerged standard of modelling data sets - UML.
The design group is currently considering the entire issue of class me
Graham Barr wrote:
This is not a for or against, but there is something that has been
bugging me about this.
Currently in Perl5 it is possible to create a sub that has map/grep-like
syntax, take a look at List::Util
If the function form of map/grep were to be removed, which has been suggested,
David Storrs wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the one thing that all those
projects have in common...well...Perl? And isn't Larry the guy to
whom we owe the existence of Perl? I'm not fortunate enough to be
using Perl in my job, but I'm still more than happy to pony up for a
Michael Lazzaro wrote:
When I come home from work each day, I can see my dog eagerly waiting at
the window, just black snout and frenetically wagging tail visible over
the sill.
I often think Larry and Damian must feel that way about this group.
Poor, comical beasts, but so eager and well-me
Adam Turoff wrote:
> The problem with cons/car/cdr is that they're fundemental operations.
> Graham *has* learned from perl, and is receptive to the idea that
> fundemental operators should be huffman encoded (lambda -> fn). It
> would be easy to simply rename car/cdr to first/rest, but that loses