> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
LW> =head1 Compact structs
LW> A class whose attributes are all low-level types can behave as
LW> a struct. (Access from outside the class is still only through
LW> accessors, though.) Whether such a class is actually stored compactly
On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 08:34:22PM -0400, Joe Gottman wrote:
: Is there similar shorthand to set @foo = (5, 3, 3, 2, 1) ? I know you can
: go
: @foo = reverse (1 ..5);
: but this has the major disadvantage that it cannot be evaluated lazily;
: reverse has to see the entire list b
In perl 6, the statement
@foo = (1.. 5) ;
is equivalent to
@foo = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Is there similar shorthand to set @foo = (5, 3, 3, 2, 1) ? I know you can
@foo = reverse (1 ..5);
but this has the major disadvantage that it cannot be eval
=head1 Overview
This synopsis summarizes the non-existent Apocalypse 9, which
discussed in detail the design of Perl 6 data structures. It was
primarily a discussion of how the existing features of Perl 6 combine
to make it easier for the PDL folks to write numeric Perl.
=head1 Lazy lists
All l
NB: The links are probably broken at present. Normal service will
hopefully be resumed once Google gets caught up with the perl6 lists.
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 2004-08-27
Where does the time go? I blame folk festivals. Once I'm getting busy
with the teacher training I'm goin