Larry Wall:

> I can see the mathematical appeal of coming up with a language in
> which there is a meaning for every possible combination of tokens.

Yes, that sounds like my language. I agree it's not Perl. And not a lot
of other things too.<g>

> It's a counterintuitive fact
> that languages that are too efficiently coded induce inefficiencies in
> communication.

Many of us will experience that every day, for example when telling
somebody what to do and how to do it.

> We're already dancing on the brink of "too efficient",
> and it would be easy to fall over the edge.  Some would say we already
> have...

I know some.

As a coincidence I am working on a project in which we remove topping
layers from texts, to deduce a (quite artificial) skeleton from each
text. This to make it possible to find and define relations between the
texts. We use the skeleton-format also to link to very different data,
like to parts of scanned images of the same kind of texts, to sound
bytes, etc.

Grtz, Ruud

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