At 10:20 AM 8/27/00 -0400, Bennett Todd wrote:
>I'd usually rather just say
> my $fh = open $filename;
>and be done with it, but then I'd always "use Fatal qw(:all);". But
>if I'd done such a "use Fatal", and then wanted to catch one, I sure
>hope I wouldn't have such a rabid try/catc
2000-08-22-15:13:23 Peter Scott:
> I too would rather say
> my $fh = open $filename or die "Couldn't copy source: $!"
> than
> my $fh; try { $fh = open $filename } catch { die "Couldn't copy
> source: ", $@->syserr }
I'd usually rather just say
my $fh = open $