Perl 6 Summary for 2006-01-24 though 2006-02-07

    Welcome to another fortnight's summary. I would say more, but my throat
    really hurts.

  Perl 6 Language
   Pugs's Minimum GHC
    Darren Duncan proposed moving the minimum GHS requirement from 6.4.0 to
    6.4.1. Based on the conversation, this appears to be a somewhat likely


   Pugs Makefile.PL Update
    Beau E. Cox posted a patch to improve Makefile.PL. Audrey added it and
    handed him a commit bit.


   Pugs 3.2.11
    Pugs, now officially 1 year old, just hit its 6.2.11 release.


   Pugs Link Error
    Beau E. Cox had trouble linking Pugs 6.2.11 and Parrot 0.4.1. Audrey
    pointed out that he needed a parrot source tree nearby.


    Larry Wall posted an update of S06. It looks very tasty. I hope the
    standard library has some convenience routines for dealing with Perl 6's


   Pugs Version Numbers
    Beau E. Cox was a little confused by Pugs's jump in development version.
    Kevin Puetz explained the approach to $2 \pi$.


   Parrot Source Tree for Pugs?
    Beau E. Cox, after discovering that a Parrot source tree is necessary to
    build Pugs, wondered if it was still necessary after Pugs was built.
    Larry provided the answer: no.


   PGE Binding
    Audrey noticed a problem convincing PGE to alias a scalar. Patrick
    explained that it was not yet implemented.


    Hmmm... If the short one required two cough drops, I fear for the long
    one. Of course, that was uncharacteristically large for p6l, so perhaps
    p6i will be short. (Gambler's Fallacy, I know)

   Namespace Relativism
    Leo noticed a few namespace opcodes which could function either
    relatively or absolutely. Peoples seemed to want absolute.


   Interpreters and Stashes?
    Leo posted a few questions about parts of Parrot's guts that he wasn't
    sure about. Chip posted his thoughts.


   File, OS, and Path
    Alberto Simões posted his proposal for File/OS functions. Chip provided
    his opinions as well.


   Object Initialization Issues
    Bob Rogers noticed a change in the semantics of object initialization.
    He and Leo added tests and nailed down them down more firmly.


   I/O Filters
    Steve Gunnell posted his ideas for how to finalize and improve the I/O
    filter system on which Parrot's IO is built. Leo, Nicholas Clark, and
    Joshua Hoblitt fined tuned his ideas slightly.


   Parrot on z/OS
    Ravi Sastry wondered if Parrot could run on z/OS. Jonathan Worthington
    guessed that it probably would not run right now, but could be made to
    run by an interested developer.


   Dirty I Registers
    Jerry Gay noticed that IREGs weren't being zeroed properly.


    Norman Nunley found and fixed a bug in Parrot::Configure::Data. Leo
    applied the patch.


    Nicholas Clark noticed some macro strangeness involving
    PARROT_IN_EXTENSION. Jonathan Worthington determined that it was
    vestigial and remove it. Nicholas was happy.


   Invalid Cleaning Order
    Bernhard Schmalhofer noticed that "make clean" was cleaning itself into
    a corner. He filed a bug for it.


   FreeBSD JIT Bug
    Joshua Isom found a problem with the FreeBSD JIT. Leo pointed him to
    some docs to help him debug his problem.


   Makefile Cleanup
    Joshua Isom posted a patch cleaning up some makefile stuff. Joshua
    Hoblitt thought that further review was necessary. Warnock applies.


   Supporting Static Variables
    Leo posted a few thoughts on how to support static variables in Parrot.
    Larry, Nicholas Clark, and Joshua Isom provided a few suggestions.


   Truncating Generated PIR Code
    Allison Randal was having problems with generated PIR code getting
    truncated. Leo managed to track down and solve the problem.


   Want a Job?
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted a job offering to the list. Unfortunately
    he posted it to google groups (most likely) as it didn't make it to the
    list proper.


   Exception in a Constructor Oddness
    Jonathan Worthington provided a test case display an unexpected
    interaction between constructors and exceptions. Warnock applies.


   Continuation Return Values
    Bob Rogers provided a patch allowing Continuations to return values. Leo
    applied the patch.


   Dynamic PMC Link Dependency
    Leo noticed that compiling a static parrot leads to problems with
    dynamic extensions. Nick Glencross tracked it down to a dependency issue
    with dynamic pmcs.


   Restricted clear_eh
    Recently Bob Rogers suggested restricting the scope of which exception
    handlers can be cleared by a clear_eh opcode. Leo implemented the
    request and applied Bob's tests.


   "*_config.o" Issues
    Florian Ragwitz posted a few options on how to clean up the " *_config.o
    " issues that seem to come up. Warnock applies (lightly as he posted on


   bc Needs Python
    Jerry Gay noticed that languages/bc would fail most of its tests without
    python. It should probably probe for that.


   GraphViz of Parrot
    Allison Randal posted a pdf of the parrot repository generated by
    GraphViz. It is pathological enough that acrobat does not really like
    the file. I am told that xpdf deals OK.


   Tcl Globals Failure
    Will Coleda noticed that r11431 is suddenly failing a few Tcl tests.


   Param Count Checks
    Leo tried enabling param count checks to see what would fail. The answer
    appears to be much. This led to discussion of how to enable and disable
    checks on both arguments and returns.


   Method Look up in Dynamic PMCs
    François Perrad wondered why his Lua PMCs were failing to find their new
    methods. Leo explained that the necessary methodhash in them was not yet
    implemented and gave him a workaround.


  Perl 6 Language
   "as if"
    Jonathan Lang, Stevan Little, and Rob Kinyon has a discussion about some
    sort of type casting or coercion in Perl 6. The conversation sorted of
    petered out undecidedly.


   ff operator
    Larry renamed the flip flop operator to " ff ". People rejoiced loudly.


   New T-Shirt
    Juerd posted his one line perl 5 to perl 6 conversion T-Shirt to cafe
    press. I know at least one summarizer who would not object to having one
    show up at his door...


   Protype Based MMD
    Stevan Little posted a link to a nifty paper on Prototype Based MMD.
    There is also a short version for the attention impaired. (I read that
    one; it is neat.)


   S06 Questions
    Dakkar had a few questions about S06. Larry had a few answers.


   Named Unicode Characters
    larry announced that one could put named Unicode code points into


   Perl 6 can "goto hell;"
    Larry announced the addition of a "goto" statement.


   Something Between State and My
    Dave Whipp wondered if he could have a variable that was unique to each
    non-recursive invocation of a function. Luke Palmer suggested that env
    variables already did this, but Larry pointed out a few nuances there.


   Universal Roles
    Yuval Kogman wants a really powerful sort of automatic application of
    roles, I think. Warnock applies.


    Herbert Snorrason wants more specifics on macros in Perl 6. Larry gave
    him some.


   Synopsis Typos
    Yiyi Hu and Andrew Savige found a few typos in a few synopses. Larry
    graciously fixed them.


   Automatic Instantiation
    Darren Duncan wondered if Perl 6 had a way to provide a default value
    for uninstantiated variables of a particular type. The led to Larry
    going into a little more detail on "protype objects", and Matt Fowles
    pushing for even more detail.


   Perl 6 Development Process
    Yuval Kogman posted a loose plan for for improving Perl 6's development
    momentum. This is a contentious issue, and I will not try to summarize
    it directly. Read the link, it is the last one of the summary.


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