# from Carl Mäsak
# on Sunday 14 September 2008 07:18:

>die "Unrecognized directive: TMPL_$directive"
>   if $directive ne 'VAR' | 'LOOP' | 'IF';
>One is tempted to assume that this means the same as 
>"$directive ne 'VAR' || $directive ne 'LOOP' || $directive ne 'IF'",
>but it doesn't. 

Actually, it does mean exactly that.

But you're not really tempted to read it as:

  if this isn't "var" or else this isn't "loop" or else this isn't "if"

(in denial?).  Instead, one is tempted to read it as:

  if this is not: 'var', 'loop', or 'if'

, by which you really mean:

  if this is not 'var' and this is not 'loop' and this is not 'if'
  if not this is any of: 'var', 'loop', or 'if'

which is:
  unless this is any of: 'var', 'loop', or 'if'
  if this is not all of: 'var', 'loop', and 'if'

But perhaps the thing to remember is to not mix negated operators with 
disjunctions?  The 'dis' being a form of negative and all.

I found this in E06:

  if %person{title} ne $known_title { ... }

Well... I guess E06 is unmaintained, but currently has the best 
explanation of junctions I can find, so I offer the attached patch in 
the hope that the logic error does not propagate.

But you can never get 3n from n, ever, and if you think you can, please
email me the stock ticker of your company so I can short it.
--Joel Spolsky
Index: exe/E06.pod
--- exe/E06.pod	(revision 14582)
+++ exe/E06.pod	(working copy)
@@ -857,6 +857,15 @@
         print "Unknown title: %person{title}.";
+[Update: that was a logic error:  the negated operator carries through
+the disjunction and is always false.
+    unless %person<title> eq $known_title {
+        say "Unknown title: %person<title>.";
+    }
+Hash key quoting has also changed.]
 or even C<Code> references:
     my &ideal := \&tall & \&dark & \&handsome;

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