When converting an array to json and then back again, I need to use |
or () in order to get back the original array in a @variable.

This surprised me, especially as for hashes the roundtrip worked
without any extra work.
I was wondering if this is really the expected behaviour?


use v6;
use JSON::Fast;
#use JSON::Tiny;

my @elems1;
@elems1.push: {
    name => 'Foo',
    id   => 1,

say @elems1.gist; # [{id => 1, name => Foo}]

my $json_str = to-json @elems1;
#say $json_str;

my (@elems2) = from-json $json_str;
say @elems2.gist;    # [{id => 1, name => Foo}]

my @elems3 = | from-json $json_str;
say @elems3.gist;     # [{id => 1, name => Foo}]

my @elems4 = from-json $json_str;
say @elems4.gist;    # [[{id => 1, name => Foo}]]

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