CFP: Call for Papers = Undangan untuk menulis paper/makalah.

ASIRPA Conference: Indonesia Focus, 3 Juli 2010
Crowne Plaza Chicago O'Hare Hotel & Conference Center

ASIRPA: Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs


Mohon bantuannya untuk memforward Call for Papers di bawah ke teman-teman 
lainnya dan mengajak teman -teman untuk bergabung ke milis ASIRPA dengan 
mengirim email ke <> 


atau bergabung melalui web site: <> 

Beberapa pembicara yang Insya Allah akan hadir diantaranya adalah:

a. Ir. H. Suswono, MMA, Mentri Pertanian RI.

b. Prof Dr. Ir. Suhardi. MSc. Guru Besar Fakultas Kehutanan UGM dan mantan
Direktur Jenderal Rehabilitasi Lahan dan Perhutanan Sosial,  Departemen 
Kehutanan dan Perkebunan.

c. Dr. Mike Reed,   Director, International Programs in Agriculture, College of 
Agriculture, University of Kentucky, USA

d. dll.

Kegiatan ASRPA cukup banyak termasuk:

1. Kerja sama perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dan Amerika.

Sebagai contoh, dua perguruan tinggi di Indonesia sudah menekan Memorandum of 
Understanding (MOU) dengan ASIRPA untuk membentuk program 2 + 2 untuk mahasiswa 
S1. Artinya, 2 tahun sekolah di Indonesia dan 2 tahun sekolah di Indiana 
University of Pennsylvania, PA.

2. Penerbitan jurnal ilmiah.

3. Pengadaan seminar dan konferensi.

4. Training untuk dosen-dosen di Indonesia

5. Penyelenggaraan training di Indonesia oleh profesional Indonesia di luar 
negeri yang pulang berlibur ke Indonesia.


Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University <> 


Call for Papers

ASIRPA <>  (sedang diperbaiki)

Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs

Indonesia Focus Conference -- On Indonesia's Global Competitiveness

The term "global competition" has often been used or treated as a mantra 
when talking about business, economic development, and beyond. Political 
constellations, among others, have not been able to exclude the term 
--global competition-- from their discussions. As such, the conference 
organizer sees the need for discussing Indonesia's development in light 
of global competition issues. Harmony and balance are the true heart of 
Indonesia's movement toward engaging Indonesia's economy in the 
international community. For that reason, the organizer chooses to use 
expressions that reflect such aspects for this conference. Because the 
term "global competition" may refer to the existence of rivalry or 
win-lose outcomes, we believe that the phrase "global competitiveness" 
would eliminate such notion. The phrase explains our vision to empower 
Indonesia to engage in domestic as well as international business. We 
strive to improve the quality of Indonesia's involvement in global 
economy without harming other economies.

It is important that global competitiveness be measured in order to 
provide accurate and real information in regard to the achievement level 
of an economy. However, many institutions have misled the purpose of 
having such information. As a result, public will be exposed to two 
contradictory facts about the global competitiveness that clout any 
effort to upgrade the ability of Indonesia's economy to move toward 
higher productivity. It is not something peculiar when a scientific 
speech mentioned that Indonesia's global competitiveness was declining 
(Pikiran Rakyat, May 19, 2009), while another source claimed that 
Indonesia's global competitiveness was rising (IMD, June 7, 2009).

This is the reason why as Indonesian community members we must get 
together. It is imperative for any Indonesian, particularly the one who 
is privileged to have access to knowledge and skills to help build the 
country. The very first mission of the conference is putting aside all 
politically motivated -- sound scientific-terrific reports or figures 
that misinform people and policy makers in regard to global 
competitiveness. The conference is organized in order to discover the 
truth about Indonesia's economic competitiveness. We then discuss the 
best way for Indonesia to improve its chance to do business worldwide, 
particularly to improve information system pertaining to innovations. On 
this occasion, the focus will be on agriculture and information and 

The Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs 
(ASIRPA) is pleased to invite public presentation during the year of 
2010 Indonesia Focus conference to be held in Chicago, the great state 
of Illinois.

The conference will provide a forum for discussion and exchange across 
the broad spectrum of topics to the benefit of conference participants 
and Indonesian community at large. For this year's occasion, the 
organizing committee offers several topics as follows:

- Indonesia's policy on economic development and global trade

- The audacity of hope toward Indonesia's development

- Developing Indonesia and U.S. cooperation.

- Global threat and opportunities in Agricultural product

- Challenge in agricultural modernization

- The efficient agriculture industry

- Marketing Indonesia's products

- Policy on Indonesia's Information -- Technology

- Best topics in IT for Indonesia

- Current development in IT

- Hot jobs in IT for Indonesian

- The importance of religious tolerance

- The issue of radicalism

These topics can be presented in various ways.


Individuals interested in performing public presentation must be 
registered as participant of Indonesia Focus 2010.

ASRIPA does not provide any financial support for presenters/panelists. 
However, the benefit of presentation is so overwhelmingly huge 
considering a wide coverage of conference and that submitted papers will 
be published in Journal of ASIRPA. This is a good forum to publish 
ideas, opinions, as well as knowledge.


ASIRPA is expecting presenter to send hand out in words files (as an 
email attachment) by June 14th to 
<>  or <> 

Author Guidelines

1. Academics/Scientifics presentations.

Goal: This session allows students, researchers, journalists to present 
their works as an effort to convey their knowledge or findings and at 
the same time obtaining constructive inputs to refine their works.


- This session allows individual to present books, dissertations, 
theses, project reports, and other forms of writings that have been 
published as well as an ongoing work.

- Presentations should consider the general outline as follows: problem 
statement, theoretical overview, supporting data and information, and 

- Hand-out for a presentation should be no more than 5 pages.

2. Business Presentation.

Goal: This session allows individual who involves in business related to 
agriculture and information technology to present their business products.


- There is no standard outline for this type of presentation. However, a 
hand-out must be prepared and should have no more than 2 pages. Other 
forms of presentation such as power point, video-clip, poetry reading, 
or play are highly recommended.

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