Dear all,

The meeting described below is not the only meeting that we have.
For further information, please join our mailing list by sending an email to


You can also join our mailing list by joining via the web site below:


Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University


Rani Citrawati:

Dear friends,

Join our meeting:

Date    : Thursday, 13 May 2010
Time    : 11:00  AM
Venue  : Toni and Jack (used to be McDonald) - Sarinah, M.H. Thamrin Street, 
Topics   :

1.  Member introduction 
 2.  Discussion: Why do you like English? Why is English important? 
 3. Plan for the next meeting 

Below are the names of members who will attend the English Learning meeting:

1. Mr. Hafid

2. Mr. Rizki Putra Dewantoro

3. Mr. Ahmad Sutarno

4. Ms. Yulia Ida Andriyani

5. Ms.Rani Citrawati

6. Ms. Vi

7. Ms. Dewi Silaen

8. Ms. Nova

9. Mr. Krisna

10. Ms. Djiny Rustam

11. Ms. Yeni Handayani

12. Ms. Niswatin Farika

The list is still open.

If you want to join the meeting, please send your e-mail to 
  (Rani Citrawati) or 

  or vi_lys/at/ 

Best Regards,

Rani Citrawati

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