February 12, 1999

Habibie Comment on Singapore Foreshadows Indonesian Unreliability


In an interview with Taiwan media broadcast and published on
February 8, Indonesian President B.J. Habibie discussed
discrimination against ethnic Chinese in Indonesia. Emphasizing
his position that there is no longer any discrimination in
Indonesia, Habibie said, "The situation in Singapore is worse. In
Singapore, if you are a Malay, you can never become a military
officer. They are the real racists, not here." Although intended
to demonstrate the progress Indonesia has made in human rights
under Habibie, the comments were quickly pounced upon by the
Singapore press, which listed several instances contradicting
Habibie's claims. The unforeseen consequence of the statement
demonstrates the extent to which Indonesia's domestic situation
is hampering relations with its neighbors. While this instance
will not likely create a serious breach in relations between the
two nations, it does serve to illustrate the unpredictability of
Indonesia's international relations as it is overwhelmed by a
turbulent domestic situation.
Indonesian President B.J. Habibie discussed the treatment of
ethnic Chinese in Indonesia with Taiwanese journalists on
February 6. In the interview, aired on the Chinese Television
Network and printed in the China Times on February 8, Habibie
said there were no longer any discriminatory practices against
ethnic Chinese, as he had rid Indonesia of any remaining
discriminating policies. Expressing how fair things were in
Indonesia compared to elsewhere, Habibie said, "The situation in
Singapore is worse. In Singapore, if you are a Malay, you can
never become a military officer. They are the real racists, not
here. You can go and check it out."
Habibie's comment drew sharp, albeit unofficial, criticism from
Singapore. The New Paper, a government-linked newspaper, wrote on
February 10, "Obviously there is something about Singapore that
irks Dr. Habibie. How else do you explain his latest outburst
against Singapore?" The paper also said, "With general elections
and presidential elections casting a dark shadow on the political
players in Indonesia, Singapore can always be used as the
convenient whipping boy." The New Paper included a list of quotes
from some of Singapore's Parliament members, contradicting
Habibie's remarks. The Singapore paper Straits Times refuted
Habibie's remarks by listing relevant figures and comments
provided by Singapore's military.
Indonesia quickly tried to downplay Habibie's remarks and allay
the concerns of Singapore. Indonesian Education Minister Juwono
Sudarsono, who happened to be in Singapore for a conference,
passed off Habibie's remarks as innocuous. Juwono said, "I think
Singaporean leaders understand that President Habibie has a lot
of learning and unlearning to do about Singapore. He may know a
lot about technology but he may not know about the social and
economic context and since he's a bubbly person, the president, I
think Singaporeans will understand." While Juwono smoothed over
the potential bump in relations between Singapore and Indonesia,

this event brings to light a fundamental problem facing
Indonesia's intense focus on internal strife is interfering with
its ability to demonstrate finesse in dealing with other nations.
Singapore and Indonesia have had fairly smooth relations
recently, signing a 22-year gas supply deal on January 16. At the
same time, Singapore suggested that it would consider a water
supply deal with Indonesia, decreasing its dependence on
Malaysia. With relations going well, Habibie's charge concerning
race relations in Singapore came as somewhat of a surprise. What
should be noted is that Habibie's comment was not really intended
to be a foreign policy statement. Instead, he was trying to
answer questions about domestic issues, and, in his attempt to
shed a positive light on Indonesia, slammed Singapore without
considering the consequences.
This is a warning of things to come as Indonesia heads closer to
elections and with them a magnification of civil unrest. The
intense introversion of attention by the Indonesian government
has led to a loss of focus on external relations. This creates a
state of uncertainty around Indonesia's ability to remain
consistent in relations with its neighbors. While Habibie's
comments were not intended for Singapore to hear, much less take
offense at, they demonstrate a lack of sensitivity to external
affairs. This is just a small, easily bypassed incident. However,
as the internal situation in Indonesia worsens, the more
unreliable Indonesia may become in its dealings with its

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