6th Indonesia Focus Annual Conference
November 7-8, Friday and Saturday, 2014
Ohio State University,  Columbus, Ohio, USA

Online Registration

Onsite registration and opening ceremony

Ramseyer Hall Room Number 260 (RA 260)
Building 090
29 West Woodruff Ave
Columbus, OH 43210

Dengan hormat,

Mohon bantuannya untuk memforward email ini ke milis dan sahabat lainnya.

Konferensi non profit tahunan ini menampilkan puluhan makalah dan hasil 
penelitian terlampir dari mahasiswa, dosen, peneliti, praktisi, dan diplomat 
Indonesia yang tinggal di tanah air, USA, dan berbagai negara lainnya.

Dr.  William Liiddle akan hadir sebagai salah satu keynote speaker.

Acara ini diselenggarakan bersama oleh the Asian Society for International
Relations and Public Affairs (ASIRPA)  dan Ohio State University serta
didukung sepenuhnya oleh Kedutaan Besar RI di Washington DC, Konsulat
Jendral RI di Chicago, PERMIAS Ohio State University, dan PERMIAS

Informasi hotel, registrasi, lokasi acara (venue), dll bisa dilihat di

Kirimkan pertanyaan tentang konferensi ke  Nurhaya Muchtar, Ph.D.,
Conference Chair  di indofocus2...@gmail.com<mailto:indofocus2...@gmail.com>

Kami juga mengajak teman-teman untuk bergabung dengan milis
utama Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs (ASIRPA)  
dengan mengirim email ke



Supaya cepat diterima keanggotaannya, lebih dianjurkan untuk mendaftar
milis melalui web site:


dan mohon menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia ketika mendaftar melalui web site:

Nama: ______________ Nama kota: ____________ Alasan Subscribe:

Terima kasih.

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University


Nurhaya Muchtar, Ph.D.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP),  Indiana, PA 15705
Conference Co-Chair

1. Venue and public parking

On site registration and opening ceremony

Ramseyer Hall Room Number 260 (RA 260)
Building 090
29 West Woodruff Ave
Columbus, OH 43210

Paper presentations:

Ramseyer Hall described above and

Arps Hall (AP or ARP)
Building 011
1945 N High St
Columbus, OH 43210


Click the links above to find the public parking locations.

General parking information fo visitors to Ohio State University:


2. Online Registration


Early bird registration ended September 15 , 2014.
After September 15th:

Regular admission: $100
Student admission: $65

3.   Hotel information in Columbus, Ohio:


The Blackwell Inn (on campus): 2110 Tuttle Park Place, Columbus, Ohio
43210, 614-247-4000<tel:614-247-4000>

Holiday Inn Express OSU: 3045 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43202, (614)
447-1212; Fax (614) 447-1211<tel:%28614%29%20447-1211>

Fairfield Inn OSU: 3031 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, Ohio 43202 USA

Red Roof Inn OSU: 441 Ackerman Road, Columbus, OH 43202
Phone: 614-267-9941<tel:614-267-9941>; Fax: 614-267-5925<tel:614-267-5925>

Varsity Inn: 3246 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43202
Phone: 614-267-4646<tel:614-267-4646>; Fax: 614-267-1535<tel:614-267-1535>

University Plaza Hotel: 3110 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43202

4. Airport and taxi

Airport: Port Columbus International Airport
Airport code: CMH (Columbus Metropolitan Hangar)


Taxi fare: From the airport to Ohio State University and nearby hotels is 
around $35 including tips.

5. Conference Schedules


RA - Ramseyer, Hall 29 West Woodruff Ave
Pararell Sessions: RA and ARP - Arps Hall, 1945 North High St

Indonesia Focus Conference,
Columbus, November 7-8, 2014

Friday: November 7, 2014

12.00 - 02.00 pm

Registration (RA 260)

02.30 - 3.30

Parallel session I


Coffee Break (RA 260)

4.00 - 5.00pm

Parallel Session II


Cultural event (RA 260) - tentative

Saturday: November 8, 2014

08:00 - 09:00 am



9.00 - 9.30

Opening ceremony
9.00-9.15: Conference Chairs                                                    
            9:15-9.30: Andriana Supandi, KJRI Chicago

RA 260


Keynote speakers
A.    Dr. William Liddle
B.     Dr. Sue Dechow
C.     Dr. Taufik
No separate time for coffee break - refreshment is available in the meeting room

RA 260


Parallel sessions I1I

12.40 - 1:40 pm

Lunch Break

RA 260

1:50 - 2:50 pm

Parallel Session 1V

3.00 - 3.20

Coffee Break

RA 260

3:30 - 4:30 pm

Plenary session (will be in a separate meeting room)
I. Education. Dr. Sue Dechow & Dr. Adrian Rodgers
II. Science & Technology: Dr. Taufik & Dr. Nur Sisworahardjo
III. JASIRPA & Academic journal: Dr. Nurhaya Muchtar, Dr. Kustim Wibowo etc.

No separate time for coffee break. Coffee break will be served at the same time.

RA 100
RA 110

RA 115

4.30- 5.30

Concluding Remark and Closing Ceremony

RA 260

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