Thanks, everyone. I'll keep an eye out for others, but I've a feeling it
came in with the workers and died.
*Alan Van Dyke *
Senior Preservation Technician
Harry Ransom Center
The University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Drawer 7219
Austin, TX 78713-7219
P: 512-232-4614
On Th
I’ll Chime in and say that we found one in our collection in the nymph stage
with the very cool common name of Masked Hunter Assassin Bug. Why it’s called
this is also pretty nifty and worth looking up for those interested. It
appeared to be praying on emerging furniture beetles so in tha
Hello Adrienne,
We frequently treat paintings in our CO2 chamber and have done so for many
years. One point of note is the following quote from our “Solutions” page on
· One study showed that minerals such as litharge (PbO), cinnabar
(HgS), and sienna (mostly Fe2O3) do
Hi, all
We have an painting that demisted beetles were found on the back canvas. There
were four dead carpet beetle larvae on the painting. The painting had been in
storage in another building for about 6 months. Previously it was display in
the hallway of the building. When it was taken do