Re: [PestList] Treatments for Silverfish

2024-08-06 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Sarah, We have had excellent luck with the application of an IGR (insect growth regulator) applied by our PMP (pest management professional). This is done to the floors and bottom edges of cabinets, not the objects and not a fog. In some cases and IGR can prolong larval feeding because they

Re: [PestList] ID Request- Woodlouse?

2024-08-06 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Micael, Most of those definitely look like pillbugs/sowbugs/roly polys. We get them in our collections all the time. Usually when we need to replace the door sweeps. I also saw some ants, a phorid fly, and a baby cockroach. Good luck! Genevieve =

[PestList] Re: Moth/Beetle Identification

2024-06-07 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Chelsee, The moth looks a lot like a webbing clothes moth, though others will have more to say. I agree that the beetle looks like some sort of outdoor invader like a ground beetle. Good luck! Genevieve = Genevieve E. Tocci, ALM (she/her/her

[PestList] Re: Possible fleas?

2024-04-30 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
I concur. We had fleas show up in a strange space, but it was also near a window and once an expert did an ID it turns out it was a species on avians and was likely from pigeons hanging out on the ledges. I would say this is more of a human concern, and depending on numbers it may be a bigger

[PestList] RE: Mystery Bug

2023-11-08 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Lisa, Looks like a springtail to me. Best wishes, Genevieve = Genevieve E. Tocci, ALM (she/her/hers) Senior Curatorial Technician Harvard University Herbaria 22 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138 U.S.A.

[PestList] RE: Fresh branches

2023-09-19 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
I can say with unfortunate experience that freezing fresh wood can lead to mold growing on the wood. Not always, but it can happen. We had that with a batch of branches collected in the tropics that we thought were sufficiently dry and they grew prolific mold and we ended up having to discard th

[PestList] RE: Dermestid larvae identification

2023-05-15 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hello Mike, I think larvae 2 looks like an odd beetle to me. Larva 1 makes me think of a warehouse beetle, but someone might have a more confident idea. Best of luck Genevieve = Genevieve E. Tocci, ALM (she/her/hers) Senior Curatorial Technician H

RE: [PestList] ID help needed - insect on (indoor) stone artifact

2022-07-28 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Claire, It looks a but like a springtail to me when it comes to it’s shape, though the color is lighter than I see here. Ah crayon, I hope it comes off the stone artifacts at least as easy as it comes off my floors and walls. 😊 Best wishes, Genevieve ===

[PestList] RE: Beetle ID?

2022-06-28 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hey Kelli, Do you have a rough estimate how big they are? The antennae are a little like Lasioderma, but the overall gestalt looks wrong, I am guessing they are bigger than a cigarette beetle. Best wishes, Genevieve = Genevieve E. Tocci, ALM (she

RE: [PestList] Unknown insect

2022-05-18 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Christina, I think it is an adult female odd beetle, a very beautiful picture of one at that. I’m sure others will chime in as well. Best of luck Genevieve = Genevieve E. Tocci, ALM (she, her, hers) Senior Curatorial Technician Harvard University

[PestList] RE: Pest ID Help - Aphids?

2021-10-15 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Ariana, Do they have the classic “tail pipes” (cornicles)? I can’t tell from the photos. Hopefully the measures will help regardless Genevieve

[PestList] RE: Moth ID

2021-10-15 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Mike, It also looks like the brown-dotted clothes moth to me. Not sure what it means if you’re getting them in unbaited traps besides you must have some regular numbers. I hope someone else can offer more ideas. Genevieve = Genevieve E. Tocci

[PestList] RE: PEST ID: growing plants in the gallery

2021-10-08 Thread Tocci, Genevieve E.
Hi Ariana, As always, Gretchen has excellent advice. The “silverfish” looks like a firebrat to me, which likes it hotter than it’s “cousin” and could have come from the plants but could have come from your room, I don’t know what your trapping was finding before the plants arrived. They can be