Hi Tamar,


Yes they look like Reesa to me too. We’ve had them in Manchester; December 2008 
I found several larval cases in one of our display cases on the gallery. The 
case contained taxidermy specimens, and I found larval cases on two or three of 
the specimens although there was no visible damage. I’d heard that Reesa like 
to feed on insect specimens and freeze dried plant specimens, but had never 
heard of them liking taxidermy specimens. The display case in question also 
contained some props, for example soil and some dried grasses, and so in our 
case it’s possible they were actually feeding on that not the specimens. I 
don’t know if it could be a similar thing with you?


To get rid of them we sent the specimens to be frozen (a week at -30 degrees C) 
and while it was empty we cleaned the display case from top to bottom. All the 
props were disposed of and we vacuumed everywhere inside and underneath the 
case. We then put a dessicant dust down wherever we could to prevent any 
further activity. It seemed to work, as we haven’t picked up a single one since 
December 2008.


I hope that helps,



Abby Stevens

Preventive Conservator 

Manchester Museum, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 

0161 3061590


From: pestlist-ow...@museumpests.net [mailto:pestlist-ow...@museumpests.net] On 
Behalf Of Tamar
Sent: 23 March 2010 15:53
To: pestlist
Subject: [pestlist] pest ID help sought



I found these beetles and some larval sheds in a display case housing stuffed 
birds on wooden mounts.  It is not clear to me if they came out of the birds or 
the mounts.  Are these warehouse beetles?  Will freezing take care of them?  


Also, are there pheromone traps for these guys and where might I purchase some?

many thanks!

Tamar Danufsky
Museum Curator and
Marine Wildlife Care Center Coordinator
Department of Wildlife
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA 95521
phone: (707)826-4034
email: t...@humboldt.edu

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