Here are the three logs.
FGMRES also gives a wrong first iterate.
I think Mark was right in the sense that the problem is _most likely_ in my RHS.
But I need to figure out why I only get this problem with right-preconditioned 
KSPs with restrict or none.


Attachment: dump-basic
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dump-none
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dump-restrict
Description: Binary data

> On 13 Oct 2019, at 8:16 PM, Smith, Barry F. <> wrote:
>  Is this one process with one subdomain? (And hence no meaningful overlap 
> since there is nothing to overlap?) And you expect to get the "exact" answer 
> on one iteration? 
>  Please run the right preconditioned GMRES with -pc_asm_type [restrict and 
> basic and none]  -ksp_monitor_true_solution  and send the output for the 
> three cases.
>  For kicks you can also try FGMRES (which always uses right preconditioning) 
> to see if the same problem appears.
>  Barry
>> On Oct 13, 2019, at 2:41 AM, Pierre Jolivet via petsc-dev 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I’m struggling to understand the following weirdness with PCASM with exact 
>> subdomain solvers.
>> I’m dealing with a very simple Poisson problem with Dirichlet + Neumann BCs.
>> If I use PCBJACOBI + KSPPREONLY or 1 iteration of GMRES either 
>> preconditioned on the right or on the left, I get the expected result, cf. 
>> attached screenshot.
>> If I use PCASM + KSPPREONLY or 1 iteration of GMRES preconditioned on the 
>> left, I get the expected result as well.
>> However, with PCASM + 1 iteration of GMRES preconditioned on the right, I 
>> don’t get what I should (I believe).
>> Furthermore, this problem is specific to -pc_asm_type restrict,none (I get 
>> the expected result with basic,interpolate).
>> Any hint?
>> Thanks,
>> Pierre
>> $ -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type bjacobi 
>> -ksp_pc_side right -> bjacobi_OK
>> $ -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type asm -ksp_pc_side 
>> left -> asm_OK
>> $ -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type asm -ksp_pc_side 
>> right -> asm_KO
>> <bjacobi_OK.png><asm_OK.png><asm_KO.png>

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