> On Nov 7, 2019, at 4:24 AM, Pierre Jolivet <> wrote:
>> On 7 Nov 2019, at 5:32 AM, Smith, Barry F. <> wrote:
>>  Some idiot logged what they did, but not why they did it.
>> commit bf108f309acab50613e150419c680842cf4b8a05 (HEAD)
>> Author: Barry Smith <>
>> Date:   Thu Mar 18 20:40:53 2004 -0600
>>    bk-changeset-1.2063.1.1
>>    barrysmith@barry-smiths-computer.local|ChangeSet|20040319024053|12244
>>    ChangeSet
>>      1.2063.1.1 04/03/18 20:40:53 barrysmith@barry-smiths-computer.local +5 
>> -0
>>      if matrix is symmetric try to use preconditioner options for symmetric 
>> matrices
>>   Here is my guess as to this guys reasoning 15 years ago: if the user knows 
>> their problem is SPD and they thus switch to CG they will get garbage using 
>> the default ASM type, they will be confused and unhappy with the result not 
>> realizing that it is due to an inappropriate preconditioner default when 
>> using CG. The penalty is, of course, someone using GMRES will get slower 
>> convergence than they should as you point out.
>>   Today I think we could do better. We could introduce the concept of a 
>> "symmetric" preconditioner PCIsSymmetric() PCIsSymmetricKnown() and then 
>> CG/all KSP that require symmetric preconditioners could query this 
>> information and error immediately if the PC indicates it is NOT symmetric.
> Don’t forget about PCIsHermitian() and PCIsHermitianKnown().
> But what you suggest goes along what Matt answered earlier.
> All this is OK for me.
> Though, in the meantime, I’ll force the type to RESTRICT in my PC 
> (,
>  because I don’t think it’s OK to go from a convergence in 9 iterations:
> […]
>    9 KSP Residual norm 3.632028841798e-05
> […]
>   PC Object: (pc_hpddm_levels_1_) 4 MPI processes
>     type: asm
>       total subdomain blocks = 4, user-defined overlap
>       restriction/interpolation type - RESTRICT
> […]
> To a convergence in 26 iterations:
> […]
>  26 KSP Residual norm 1.548760754380e-04
> […]
>   PC Object: (pc_hpddm_levels_1_) 4 MPI processes
>     type: asm
>       total subdomain blocks = 4, user-defined overlap
>       restriction/interpolation type - BASIC
> […]
> For a Helmholtz equation with only 4 subdomains. But that’s just my opinion 
> of course.
> Thanks,
> Pierre
>> Or we could have PCSetSymmetric() which turns on whatever PC type specific 
>> options are needed to make the preconditioner symmetric and the symmetric 
>> requiring KSP could turn on this option. One has to be careful but because 
>> if the user specifically set RAS then it should not be overruled and changed 
>> without their knowledge. Note that in asm.c it has the code     if 
>> (!osm->type_set) { so if the user set RAS it will not change it. 
>>  I am not sure that there is a perfect solution that satisfies all use cases 
>> but I agree the current behavior is questionable and could be replaced with 
>> better behavior that still prevents tragedies of failure of ASM with CG due 
>> to the defaults.
>>  Barry
>>> On Nov 6, 2019, at 12:12 PM, Pierre Jolivet <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I need to figure this out myself first.
>>> In the meantime, here is another (PCASM related) question for you: why is 
>>> PCASMType switched to BASIC when using a symmetric Pmat? (I guess I don’t 
>>> have to tell you about the performance of RAS vs. ASM)
>>> To me, that would make sense if the default KSP was also switched to CG 
>>> instead of GMRES if the Pmat and Amat were symmetric, but I don’t think 
>>> this is the case.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pierre
>>>> On 24 Oct 2019, at 5:40 PM, Smith, Barry F. <> wrote:
>>>> Send the code and exact instructions to run a "good" and a "bad" ASM 
>>>> Barry
>>>>> On Oct 14, 2019, at 10:44 AM, Pierre Jolivet <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Here are the three logs.
>>>>> FGMRES also gives a wrong first iterate.
>>>>> I think Mark was right in the sense that the problem is _most likely_ in 
>>>>> my RHS.
>>>>> But I need to figure out why I only get this problem with 
>>>>> right-preconditioned KSPs with restrict or none.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Pierre
>>>>>> On 13 Oct 2019, at 8:16 PM, Smith, Barry F. <> wrote:
>>>>>> Is this one process with one subdomain? (And hence no meaningful overlap 
>>>>>> since there is nothing to overlap?) And you expect to get the "exact" 
>>>>>> answer on one iteration? 
>>>>>> Please run the right preconditioned GMRES with -pc_asm_type [restrict 
>>>>>> and basic and none]  -ksp_monitor_true_solution  and send the output for 
>>>>>> the three cases.
>>>>>> For kicks you can also try FGMRES (which always uses right 
>>>>>> preconditioning) to see if the same problem appears.
>>>>>> Barry
>>>>>>> On Oct 13, 2019, at 2:41 AM, Pierre Jolivet via petsc-dev 
>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I’m struggling to understand the following weirdness with PCASM with 
>>>>>>> exact subdomain solvers.
>>>>>>> I’m dealing with a very simple Poisson problem with Dirichlet + Neumann 
>>>>>>> BCs.
>>>>>>> If I use PCBJACOBI + KSPPREONLY or 1 iteration of GMRES either 
>>>>>>> preconditioned on the right or on the left, I get the expected result, 
>>>>>>> cf. attached screenshot.
>>>>>>> If I use PCASM + KSPPREONLY or 1 iteration of GMRES preconditioned on 
>>>>>>> the left, I get the expected result as well.
>>>>>>> However, with PCASM + 1 iteration of GMRES preconditioned on the right, 
>>>>>>> I don’t get what I should (I believe).
>>>>>>> Furthermore, this problem is specific to -pc_asm_type restrict,none (I 
>>>>>>> get the expected result with basic,interpolate).
>>>>>>> Any hint?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Pierre
>>>>>>> $ -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type bjacobi 
>>>>>>> -ksp_pc_side right -> bjacobi_OK
>>>>>>> $ -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type asm 
>>>>>>> -ksp_pc_side left -> asm_OK
>>>>>>> $ -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_max_it 1 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type asm 
>>>>>>> -ksp_pc_side right -> asm_KO
>>>>>>> <bjacobi_OK.png><asm_OK.png><asm_KO.png>
>>>>> <dump-basic><dump-none><dump-restrict>

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