Dear PETSC users,
I am a newbie to PETSC and I try to understand it. My first attempt is to solve 2D laminar boundary layer equations:

    u*du/dx +v*du/dy  = Ue*(dUe/dx). -nu*d2u/dy2
    dudx + dvdy = 0

    y=0:    u=0,    v=0
    y=H:    u(x)=Ue(x)
Where H is height of the domain, Ue(x) is edge velocity given by a potential flow solver. I assume Ue(x)=10.0

I have several questions regarding the workflow in PETSC, I took SNES example29 (2D cavity flow) and I tried to modify it:

1) There are vectors x and f. I suppose vector x to represent the values of velocity and vector f to represent velocity residuals. Please is this correct?

Based on example29 and my assumption, I calculated the velocity:
  dhx = (PetscReal)(info->mx-1);  dhy = (PetscReal)(info->my-1);
  dx = 1.0/dhx;                   dy = 1./dhy;
    u          = x[j][i].u;
    v          = x[j][i].v;
    dudx        = (x[j][i+1].u - x[j][i-1].u)/2.0/dx;
    dudy        = (x[j+1][i].u - x[j-1][i].u)/2.0/dy;
    dvdy        = (x[j+1][i].v - x[j-1][i].v)/2.0/dy;
    d2udy2        = (-2.0*u + x[j-1][i].u + x[j+1][i].u)/dy/dy;

    /* U velocity */
    f[j][i].u  = u*dudx +v*dudy -Ue*dUedx -nu*d2udy2;

    /* V velocity */
    f[j][i].v  = dudx + dvdy;

The code does not work. With initial conditions x[j][i].u=Ue; and x[0][i].u=0.0; the result is the same as the initial conditions.

2) In SNES example29, there are boundary conditions specified on vector f? For example:

  /* Test whether we are on the top edge of the global array */
  if (yinte == info->my) {
    j = info->my - 1;
    yinte = yinte - 1;
    /* top edge */
    for (i=info->xs; i<info->xs+info->xm; i++) {
        f[j][i].u     = x[j][i].u - lid;
        f[j][i].v     = x[j][i].v;

I don't understand the last two lines. I just deleted the conditions for left and right edges and replaced f[j][i].u = x[j][i].u - lid; with f[j][i].u = x[j][i].u - Ue;

3) Please could someone explain the normalization on following lines? (Taken from example 29)

         Define mesh intervals ratios for uniform grid.

         Note: FD formulae below are normalized by multiplying through by
local volume element (i.e. hx*hy) to obtain coefficients O(1) in two dimensions.

      dhx = (PetscReal)(info->mx-1);  dhy = (PetscReal) (info->my-1);
      hx = 1.0/dhx;                      hy = 1.0/dhy;
      hxdhy = hx*dhy;                 hydhx = hy*dhx;

Thanks in advance & Kind regards
Pavel Schor
PhD. student, Institute of aerospace engineering, Brno University of technology

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