While I was cleaning the script up to make it available here, I
introduced a bug.  I also found a bug in my use of the expr command. 

1) the cleaning bug:
As I was moving the clean-up code from being scattered throughout the
script to the cleanup function, I made an error during a copy and
paste.    As a result, the lock file is removed twice, and the temp
file is not removed.

2) the expr usage bug
I did not know that expr returns an error when the result of a
calculation is zero.  I know that now.    When the script tried to
refresh a table, and there were no address records to be refreshed,
the script ended prematurely due to the error return code from expr.
After running in production for me for over a year, only this week
did this bug surface.

I've put version 1.9 on my website.   This version fixes both of
these issues.  I also put up a patch for the 1.2 -> 1.9 transition.

Full version:



On 4/24/2014 at 2:40 PM Mike. <the.li...@mgm51.com> wrote:

From: Mike. <the.li...@mgm51.com>
To: pf@benzedrine.cx
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 14:40:56 -0400 
Subject: script to help manage dynamic pf tables

>|For a few of the servers I admin, I found the need for the ability
to add
>|IP addresses to a pf table temporarily (for a few days, a couple
>|I grew tired of manually editing the files, so I wrote a scipt to
help me.
>|The script maintains a list of IP addresses for a pf table, along
with an
>|"expiration date" for the address.  Each night cron runs the expire
>|portion of the script and the expired addresses are removed from
>|So far, it's been working well for my needs for well over a year.
>|decided to clean the script up a bit, put a BSD license on it, and
>|it available for anyone else who may want to use it.
>|It's available here, along with a better description of what it

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