ecting to (ie: from
($ext_if) port $shoutcastport to ...). Maybe it doesn't matter
Dave St.Germain
you try:
pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from port 8000 to any
flags S/SA keep state queue(audio)
I could be wrong.
In any case, what does pfctl -vvsq show? Are all the packets going
into the default queue?
h close to 100mbps in the ttcp test, and my other,
faster internal machines have no problem saturating the ethernet
(switched network).
Is 166mhz just too slow?
Dave St.Germain
saturated, whichever comes first).
Another question: what is the difference between saying flags S/SA and
S/SAFR when it comes to queueing? Or just in general?
Dave St.Germain
Here's a simple question:
Does pfctl -vvsq display bandwidth in bits/second or bytes/second?
Here's a snippit (just basic ACK prioritizing):
queue q_pri priority 7
[ pkts: 1475 bytes: 92446 dropped pkts: 0 bytes:
0 ]
[ qlength: 0/ 50 ]
[ measured: 5.4 packets/s, 2.84Kb