got the same problem!

gate:/root >uname -rp
3.3 Digital AlphaPC 164LX 533 MHz
gate:/root >cat /etc/pfstat.conf
image "/var/www/htdocs/pfstat/pfstat.jpg" {
        from 1 weeks to now
        width 960 height 300
                graph bytes_v4_in       label "incoming" color 0 192 0
                graph bytes_v4_out      label "outgoing" color 0 0 255
                graph states_searches   label "states searches" color 192
192 0

gate:/home/ste >/usr/local/bin/pfstat -c /etc/pfstat.conf -d /var/log/pfstat
reading data file /var/log/pfstat
generating image file /var/www/htdocs/pfstat/pfstat.jpg
  m[0] == 18130597.459994
  m[1] == 120460.836135
Floating point exception (core dumped)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 12:40 AM
Subject: pfstat on alpha - floating point exception

> Hi,
>   I'm trying to use pfstat for my first time, but it seems every time I
> run it to generate images, it core dumps.  It appears to be gathering data
> fine (I'm logging stats on my external interface) Now I'm trying to figure
> out if I'm just doing something really stupid, or if there's an issue with
> running pfstat on Alpha?
>   Here's what I'm seeing:
> -----------
> # uname -rp
> 3.3 COMPAQ AlphaServer DS10 466 MHz
> # cat /etc/pfstat.conf
> image "/var/www/htdocs/pfstat/one.jpg" {
>   from 1 weeks to now
>   width 960 height 300
>   left
>     graph bytes_v4_in     label "incoming" color 0 192 0 filled,
>     graph bytes_v4_out    label "outgoing" color 0 0 255
>   right
>     graph states_searches label "states searches" color 192 192 0
> }
> # /usr/bin/pfstat -c /etc/pfstat.conf -d /var/log/pfstat
> reading data file /var/log/pfstat
> generating image file /var/www/htdocs/pfstat/one.jpg
>   m[0] == 4353556.931810
>   m[1] == 27621.584121
> Floating point exception (core dumped)
> -----------
>   I've tried various configurations for pfstat.conf, but always end up
> with a "Floating point exception".  Any ideas?
>   (I'm running OpenBSD 3.3, and installed/compiled pfstat from ports)
> Thanks,
>  -Jeremy
> --
>  Jeremy Andrews    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  PGP Key ID: 8F8B617A

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