I have a small tool I have written to do admin work on pg_group.  With it
I hope we will be able to do most group admin without going into psql.
Like I said, it is a first draft, so it may have a bug or two :-)

It has the following syntax:

usage: pg_group options -- dB group [user ...] || [table ...]
where options is one of:
 -c create group
 -d delete group
 -a add user(s) to group
 -r remove user(s) to group
 +g give group access to tables
 -g revoke group access to tables
 -p privlages to grant/revoke. This is only used with the +g and -g
 -- end of switches.

 pg_group -c -- guestbook grp_gstbook_usr nobody tux
 pg_group -a -- guestbook grp_gstbook_usr webuser
 pg_group -d -- guestbook grp_gstbook_usr
 pg_group -r -- guestbook grp_gstbook_usr nobody
 pg_group +g -p "insert,select" -- guestbook grp_gstbook_usr gstbook
 pg_group -g -p "insert" -- guestbook grp_gstbook_usr gstbook

You can get it from: http://www.lowcountry.com/~jscottb/pg_group.tar.gz

If you have any questions, comments, patches or total rewrites email me



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