Patrick Meylemans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The problem is detected but the reason is still not clear. It seems that 
>one is connecting via a ODBC link from a winbox to a postgresql database 
>the link first tries to connect via username Admin, see syslog :

>Oct 25 07:47:52 backbone logger: verify_password: user 'Admin' not found 
>password file.
>Oct 25 07:47:52 backbone logger: Password authentication failed for user 
>Oct 25 07:47:52 backbone logger: 2002-10-25 07:47:52 
>[2938]   DEBUG:  connection: host= user=icsadmin 
>Oct 25 07:47:53 backbone logger: 2002-10-25 07:47:53 
>[2938]   ERROR:  Relation 'msysconf' does not exist
>Does anybody has a clue what the relation msyconf means ?

I use Microsoft Access and i have created the msysconf table in my 
database. I am not sure if it only has to do with Microsoft Access or it 
is JET based (or something other). I will refer to Access in the rest of 
the post. By the way try to look for msysconf in the help file for Access 
if it is available for you.

Normally Access stores the connection data and uses these the next time it 
links to a external table. If Access find a msysconf table in the database 
it is connecting to, it will check the parameters there. One of the 
options is to force Access to ask the user for the username and password. 

create a table msysconf and set the values as shown below:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (psql is used)
database=# \d msysconf
               Table "msysconf"
  Column  |          Type          | Modifiers 
 config   | smallint               | not null
 chvalue  | character varying(255) | 
 nvalue   | integer                | 
 comments | character varying(255) | 

database=# select * from msysconf;
 config | chvalue | nvalue | comments 
    101 |         |      0 | 
(1 row)


A warning. The Access application (or whatever it is) will ask the user 
for the connection details, it has to be done some programming on the 
frontend side to get a pleasant login box.

The details may not be all correct but i hope this will give you some 


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