Recently, I crafted my site like this to achieve HA and load balancing:

                    |       Apache       |
                    |         |          |
                    |       read         |   ......  many of this
                    |         |          |
                    |         V          |  
                    |postgresql READ ONLY|
                   |  WAL archive  |  actually I have two of this. Only one is 
depicted for simlicity.
                      Λ             |
                      |          restore_command    
              archive_command         |
                        |             V
        --------------------       -------------------------- 
        |postgresql  MASTER|       |postgresql  WARM STANDBY|
        --------------------       --------------------------
I encounted a serious problem: if the MASTER crashes, and the WARM STANDBY 
takes over:

                    |       Apache       |
                    |         |          |
                    |       read         |   ......  many of this
                    |         |          |
                    |         V          |  
                    |postgresql READ ONLY|
                     |  WAL archive  |  
-------------------------------       ----------------------------------------- 
|postgresql former MASTER  x_x|       |postgresql  former WARM STANDBY   ̄�� ̄|
-------------------------------       -----------------------------------------
I noticed that the warm standby starts a new time line when it generate WAL 
archive in place of the former MASTER. BUT the read only ones do not know this 
change and insist on finding the next WAL file of the old time line.
So how do I notice the read only ones that they should switch to a new time 


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