Haven't get any reply yet. I like to post more information:

select * from pg_statistic where starelid=(select oid from
pg_class where relname='gtld_owner'); 

 starelid | staattnum | stanullfrac | stawidth | stadistinct | stakind1 |
stakind2 | stakind3 | stakind4 | staop1 | staop2 | staop3 | staop4 |
stanumbers1                                        | stanumbers2 |
stanumbers3 | stanumbers4 |
stavalues1                                                            |
stavalues2                                                  | stavalues3 |
 13448623 |         2 |           0 |        4 |          -1 |        2 |
3 |        0 |        0 |     97 |     97 |      0 |      0 |
| {0.347379}  |             |             |
54754368,716046336,1208026624,1358111104,1521483776} |
|            | 
 13448623 |         3 |           0 |        4 |          -1 |        2 |
3 |        0 |        0 |     97 |     97 |      0 |      0 |
| {0.347379}  |             |             |
54754368,716111871,1208027135,1358111135,1522008063} |
|            | 
 13448623 |         4 |   0.0516667 |        7 |          74 |        1 |
2 |        3 |        0 |   1062 |   1066 |   1066 |      0 |
|             | {0.519294}  |             | {usa,deu,can,gbr,aus}
| {alb,bra,cze,esp,fra,ita,jpn,mng,nor,sgp,zaf}
|            | 
 13448623 |         5 |           0 |        2 |           4 |        1 |
2 |        3 |        0 |     94 |     95 |     95 |      0 | {0.961}
|             | {0.997345}  |             | {5}
| {0,0,3}
|            | 
 13448623 |         6 |    0.166667 |        6 |         179 |        1 |
2 |        3 |        0 |   1062 |   1066 |   1066 |      0 |
3,0.026}     |             | {0.0767722} |             |
| {01,az,ct,fl,md,mn,nj,oh,or,si,zp}
|            | 
 13448623 |         7 |           0 |        2 |           6 |        1 |
3 |        0 |        0 |     94 |     95 |      0 |      0 |
| {0.728691}  |             |             | {4,5,3,0,2,1}
|            | 
 13448623 |         8 |    0.213333 |       12 |   -0.158388 |        1 |
2 |        3 |        0 |   1062 |   1066 |   1066 |      0 |
2,0.0176667} |             | {0.153757}  |             |
york",atlanta,chicago,carrollton,"palo alto",cleveland}
| {aachen,berlin,cheyenne,dusseldorf,hicksville,"los
angeles",nashville,phoenix,"san francisco",tampa,zurich} |            | 
 13448623 |         9 |           0 |        2 |           6 |        1 |
3 |        0 |        0 |     94 |     95 |      0 |      0 |
| {0.714766}  |             |             | {4,0,3,2,5,1}
|            | 
 13448623 |        10 |           0 |       12 |   -0.129823 |        1 |
2 |        3 |        0 |   1752 |   1754 |   1754 |      0 |
3333,0.021}  |             | {0.4584}    |             |
500}                                                 |
.7670,61.3330}                  |            | 
 13448623 |        11 |           0 |       11 |   -0.142614 |        1 |
2 |        3 |        0 |   1752 |   1754 |   1754 |      0 |
13333,0.02}  |             | {-0.18736}  |             |
8830,-122.1330}                                      |
-71.1000,6.7670,174.7830}       |            | 
(10 rows)

Stephan Szabo, Could you please take a look, I know you can help!!!

Anna Zhang

-----Original Message-----
From: Zhang, Anna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 3:34 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] seq scan on indexed column

I always have questions on sql tunning, here is the one:

gtld_analysis=# \d gtld_owner

                  Table "gtld_owner"
   Attribute    |          Type          |  Modifier  
 owner_name     | character varying(100) | 
 netblock_start | integer                | not null    /* primary key */
 netblock_end   | integer                | not null
 country        | character varying(100) | 
 country_c      | smallint               | default -1
 region         | character varying(100) | 
 region_c       | smallint               | default -1
 city           | character varying(100) | 
 city_c         | smallint               | default -1
 lat            | numeric(9,4)           | 
 long           | numeric(9,4)           | 
Indices: gtld_owner_pkey,

gtld_analysis=# select count(*) from gtld_owner;
(1 row)

gtld_analysis=# explain SELECT NETBLOCK_START
gtld_analysis-# FROM GTLD_OWNER
gtld_analysis-# WHERE NETBLOCK_START = -2147483648;

Seq Scan on gtld_owner  (cost=0.00..80021.37 rows=23 width=4)


Why it didn't use index scan? what rows=23 means? We have an application
which loops each row and select netblock_start, and it is slow overall.

Anyone can give me a clue? Thanks!

Anna Zhang

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