Create an entire web application by just writing SQL, HTML, and some
XML configuration. No other coding, no PHP or C++, etc. is required...
though you can add that too, if you like. See:


Following is a very simplistic example of a "cave" service:

<database name="KarooDB" username="bmodra" password=""
connect_timeout="1" connection-pool-size="3"/>
<service name="list-stock" id="list-stock">
    select owner,type,value,count,id from
    stock where owner=<parameter name="owner" type="quoted-string"/>;

Following is the corresponding html:

    <tr id="test">
      <!-- conduit rock-name:cave; service-id:list-stock; -->
      <td><!-- column owner --></td>
      <td><!-- column type --></td>
      <td><!-- column value --></td>
      <td><!-- column count --></td>
      <td><!-- column id --></td>

You can probably figure out the rest: the rows returned replace the
html comments, and the <tr> (template) gets repeated for each row.
This is a very simplistic example... see the following URL for a more
compete example:      

Brian Modra   Land line: +27 23 5411 462
Mobile: +27 79 69 77 082
5 Jan Louw Str, Prince Albert, 6930
Postal: P.O. Box 2, Prince Albert 6930
South Africa

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