The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      8461
Logged by:          Benjamin Wassermann
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 9.3.0
Operating system:   Windows


We are trying to build our own PostgreSQL 9.3 using Visual Studio 2005 on
Windows XP.

If we use the created pg_dump we get some “Heap Corruptions” and no database
dump will be created.
When we use the precomiled binaries from PostgreSQL 9.3 and use this pg_dump
we do NOT get any heap corruption and it works as expected.

To reproduce the bug you need a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 with Version

1. Download the postgresql sources 9.3
2. Open a visual studio commandline and change to folder
"postgresql-9.2.3\src\tools\msvc". Execute the command "perl"
(make sure "ActivePerl" is installed, where using version "5.12.2 Build
3. In the root folder is now a pgpsql.sln, which u can open in visual
4. Now change the "Build-Target" to Release
5. Now build the Projects in following steps and configuartions
                General > Use of MFC: "Use MFC in a Static Libary"
                Libarian: Ingore Specific Libary "Nafxcwd.lib" and "Libcmtd.lib"
                -> Build
                General > Use of MFC: "Use MFC in a Static Libary"
                -> Build
                General > Use of MFC: "Use MFC in a Static Libary"
                Linker > Additional Dependencies: "ShFolder.lib" and 
                -> Build
                General > Use of MFC: "Use MFC in a Static Libary"
                -> Build
                General > Use of MFC: "Use MFC in a Static Libary"
                -> Build
                General > Use of MFC: "Use MFC in a Static Libary"
                Linker > Additional Dependencies: "Advapi32.lib"
                Rename the Function _dosmaperr to _test_dosmaperr
                -> Build
                        If there is a error like: "ERROR: psqlscan.c could not 
be found" just do
the following:
                        Open a commandline and call "flex.exe "<Path to
( Now copy the created file to
                -> Build
                General > Use of MFC: "Use MFC in a Static Libary"
                Linker > Additional Dependencies: "Advapi32.lib" and "zlib.lib" 
example with default installation: "C:\Programme\GnuWin32\lib\zlib.lib")
                C/C++ > Preprocessor Definitions: "HAVE_LIBZ"
                C/C++ > Additional Include Directories: 
                -> Build
Now we have installed a PostgreSQL Server 9.3 on the same machine.

In Visual Studio we defined as "Command Arguments" the following:
"-h "localhost" -p 5432 -U postgres -f "C:\test.bak" -F c test"

Now start debugging and u will get the Heap corruption in Visual Studio.

Exactly u will get the following ASSERTION:

Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library
Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: ...
File: dbgheap.c
Line: 1252

Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)

For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.

(Press Retry to debug the application)
Abbrechen   Wiederholen   Ignorieren   

Which is caused from the Function "dumpFunc" at line 9942 ff.


Hope you can reproduce this Bug.
        Is there a workaround we could use?



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