On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 12:23:48PM +0900, Ian Barwick wrote:
> On 2020/01/19 12:56, R Ransbottom wrote:

> > I would hope to find correct documentation somewhere--that somewhere

> Indeed, however it's important that the PostgreSQL documentation remains
> stable for released versions.

> As-is, the current patch set would result in the term "default role(s)"
> disappearing from the documentation in the next minor release, which is
> bound to cause confusion for anyone searching the documentation for the
> term they're familiar with (unless they happen to be reading this thread
> or following the git commit log). Cue cries of "OMG Postgres removed a
> feature in a minor release!!!?!!".

> And as Stephen mentions, it will break a lot of secondary documentation -
> not just blogs but things like internal training  materials etc.

> If this change is made (which I'm personally not against), then it should be
> only from PostgreSQL 13. For 9.6 ~ 12, IMHO it would be better to tweak the
> existing documentation to somehow mention that "default roles" should be
> thought of as "prefined roles", and note they will be called this from Pg13.

Ian, agreed modulo 13.

The current section(s) could forward readers to a revised section.  The
DEFAULT_ROLE_* stuff could carry two names to allow a comprehensive fix
in 12.X.  That could allow the deprecation and misinformation to end one
EoL sooner.

Thanks all.

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