Si todo va bien, este próximo Lunes 3 de Mayo se debe lanzar el Beta
de la versión 9, versión que trae muchas mejoras y nuevas
funcionalidades, aquí les dejo el mail que envió Josh y vayan
pasándole la voz a los amigos para que el día del lanzamiento todos
podamos probar este nuevo release



There will be a PostgreSQL beta release this Monday, May 3 (US time),
unless it is delayed due to issues.   I should have a draft release
announcement for you in the next 48 hours.

You should do two things:
1) If you know members of the press or popular bloggers who are
interested enough in PostgreSQL to cover a beta, please contact them
now (under embargo) to see if they want to write an article.

2) Make sure that your community/language gets the announcement and
news about the beta, on Monday when it comes out.


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