Dear Jeff

I appreciate your reply.

My PostgreSQL is deployed on Amazon RDS, so the password of PostgreSQL is 
random and has various reserved characters.

I don't know if the reserved characters below are complete, and there are some 
characters (e.g. * , $) I tried without problems.

Could you tell me which characters require percent-encoding for PostgreSQL 

space → %20

! → %21

" → %22

# → %23

$ → %24

% → %25

& → %26

' → %27

( → %28

) → %29

* → %2A

+ → %2B

, → %2C

- → %2D

. → %2E

/ → %2F

: → %3A

; → %3B

< → %3C

= → %3D

> → %3E

? → %3F

@ → %40

[ → %5B

\ → %5C

] → %5D

^ → %5E

_ → %5F

` → %60

{ → %7B

| → %7C

} → %7D

~ → %7E

Kind regards,


At 2022-10-12 22:01:15, "Jeffrey Walton" <> wrote:
>On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 7:16 AM gzh <> wrote:
>> I found that the password can't contain the % character, and the other 
>> special characters (* , $) are no problem.
>You need to percent-encode the password if you wish to use the %
>symbol in the password. There are other reserved characters that you
>should percent-encode. See
>and .
>> At 2022-10-12 16:28:51, "gzh" <> wrote:
>> PostgreSQL version: 13.5
>> Operating system:   windows 10
>> Description:
>> I wrote a VBA application to connect to PostgreSQL database by psqlodbc.
>> The application works fine when there are no special characters in the 
>> password.
>> When the password contains special characters (e.g. * , $ %),
>> the application responds with an error below:
>> Number: -2147467259
>> Description: password authentication failed for user 'testdb'
>> I made an sample as below:
>> VBA
>> ----------------------------- START ---------------------------------
>> Sub dbconnTest()
>>     Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
>>     Dim sql As String
>>     Dim i As Integer
>>     Dim rcnt As Integer
>>     Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
>>     cnn.Open "Provider=MSDASQL;Driver=PostgreSQL 
>> Unicode;UID=postgres;port=5432;Server=localhost;Database=testdb;PWD=Gd*oB,$3Ln%pQ"
>>     Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
>>     sql = "SELECT * FROM testtbl"
>>     rs.ActiveConnection = cnn
>>     rs.Source = sql
>>     rs.Open
>>     cnt = rs.Fields.Count
>>     rcnt = 2
>>     Do Until rs.EOF
>>         For i = 0 To cnt - 1
>>             Cells(rcnt, i + 1).Value = rs.Fields(i)
>>         Next
>>         rcnt = rcnt + 1
>>         rs.MoveNext
>>     Loop
>>     Set rs = Nothing
>>     Set cnn = Nothing
>> End Sub
>> ----------------------------- END ---------------------------------
>> Thanks for any help!

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