På onsdag 25. mars 2020 kl. 13:36:38, skrev J2eeInside J2eeInside <
j2eeins...@gmail.com <mailto:j2eeins...@gmail.com>>: 
Hi all,

 I hope someone can help/suggest:
 I'm currently maintaining a project that uses Apache Solr /Lucene. To be 
honest, I wold like to replace Solr with Postgre Full Text Search. However, 
there is a huge amount of documents involved - arround 200GB. Wondering, can 
Postgre handle this efficiently?
 Does anyone have specific experience, and what should the infrastructure look 

 P.S. Not to be confused, the Sol works just fine, i just wanted to eliminate 
one component from the whole system (if Full text search can replace Solr at 

I see you've gotten some answers but wanted to chime in... 
We seach in ~15mill. emails and ~10 mill documents (extracted text from 
Word/PDF etc. using Java-tools), and use PG and FTS (gin, not rum) for the 
exact same reasons as Evergreen (it seems). We have to mix FTS with 
domain-specific logic/filtering and that is based on relational data in the 
database. I don't see how we could have done that using an external 
search-engine. Maybe it's easy, I don't have any experience with it. 

Andreas Joseph Krogh 
CTO / Partner - Visena AS 
Mobile: +47 909 56 963 
andr...@visena.com <mailto:andr...@visena.com> 
www.visena.com <https://www.visena.com> 

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