I did it. I reverse engineered Oracle with ERWin, set the server to Watcom,
converting domain data types. Then forward engineered it, then some small
sed script to convert e.g. NUMBER(8) to int8 etc.

Works fine with postgresql, especially the referential integrity is
absolutely compatible. Delete on cascade etc works just fine. I like
postgres due to that and I am currently converting my first M$-SQL project
to  postgres (smaller datadictionary). Yes, same procedure for reverse
engineering worked also with Micro$oft SQL server.

I would propably like to attend in an an open source project, ERWin costs an
arm and a leg and, does not run on linux and does not support postgres
nativly, and recently I saw that the homepage of logicwork can be baught, so
I don't know if that company still exists. I already searched a while, first
I supposed the TCM project was nearest do what I need, but it restricts
itself to only draw lines, as far as I could see no near plans for code
generation (sql). The output file is a propriatary format, not XML. And it
uses motif, not KDE. I would do it differently.

So I suppose it is necessary to do the drawing and the code generation from
scratch, maybe even some reverse engeneering. So if somebody.... let me

wfR ChrisA

> Hi,
> I've been poking through the archive and PostgreSQL sites looking for
>  that would allow me to migrate from an Oracle DB.  I'm getting the
> ion that there aren't any.  Are there any projects underway to work on a
> ol like this (or a general Other DB -> PostgreSQL framework)?  If not
>  anyone be interested in starting one up or working on it?=20=20
> I think that this would help PostgreSQL enormously.  It's one thing thing
> o have a great OpenSource product but another to get acceptance in the
> erprise".

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