Hey guys, thanks so much for all the help.  I had never seen the HAVING
clause anywhere.  That solved so many problems.

As for speed, I do not have indexing (most of my sql experience so far has
been on fairly 'small' tables, which I guess would be considered tiny for
everyone else).

test=# VACUUM nei_area_val;
test=# ANALYZE nei_area_val;

and..I think one of those two helped out quite a bit.  Here's an explain
analyze for one of my more complicated queries: (nei_area_val = "huge",
nei_area = "small")

test=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT nei_area.fips, AsText(nei_area.the_geom) as
fs_text_geom, nei_area.name, nei_area_val.strpollutantcode,
SUM(nei_area_val.dblemissionnumericvalue_ton) FROM nei_area INNER JOIN
nei_area_val ON nei_area.fips = nei_area_val.fips WHERE
nei_area_val.strpollutantcode='CO' AND the_geom &&
SetSRID('BOX3D(-100.000000 40.000000,-90.000000 50.000000)'::box3d, 4269)
and intersects(the_geom, SetSRID('BOX3D(-100.000000 40.000000,-90.000000 5
0.000000)'::box3d, 4269)) GROUP BY nei_area.fips, nei_area.the_geom,
nei_area.name, nei_area_val.strpollutantcode HAVING
SUM(nei_area_val.dblemissionnumericvalue_ton) > 500;


 GroupAggregate  (cost=106998.22..107035.89 rows=39 width=3797) (actual
time=4712.708..5743.313 rows=230 loops=1)
   Filter: (sum(dblemissionnumericvalue_ton) > 500::double precision)
   ->  Sort  (cost=106998.22..107003.49 rows=2108 width=3797) (actual
time=4708.411..5330.771 rows=15679 loops=1)
         Sort Key: nei_area.fips, nei_area.the_geom, nei_area.name,
         ->  Hash Join  (cost=30627.47..103430.84 rows=2108 width=3797)
(actual time=2555.057..3938.329 rows=15679 loops=1)
               Hash Cond: (nei_area_val.fips = nei_area.fips)
               ->  Seq Scan on nei_area_val  (cost=0.00..72346.21
rows=116288 width=25) (actual time=46.964..2446.264 rows=122885 loops=1)
                     Filter: (strpollutantcode = 'CO'::text)
               ->  Hash  (cost=30626.84..30626.84 rows=50 width=3781)
(actual time=1193.834..1193.834 rows=415 loops=1)
                     ->  Seq Scan on nei_area  (cost=0.00..30626.84 rows=50
width=3781) (actual time=1038.950..1187.324 rows=415 loops=1)
                           Filter: ((the_geom &&
AND intersects(the_geom,
 Total runtime: 5762.061 ms
(12 rows)

5.7 seconds!  I can live with that! So, maybe it was just the vacuum I

Anyway, I don't have indexing, I'll read about it and try not to screw
anything up when I add it, but seriously thanks so much all of you!


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