
I have a PHP script running as a non-root user. The non-root user will exec PHP script via cron once per day.

Warning: pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR:  checkout: Permission denied.
. in /usr/home/nonrootuser/script.php on line 23

Line 23 is, of course, the $result = pg_exec($db_connect, $call);

My DB connect is to a postgres server (same physical box as where script is running).

$db_connect=pg_connect("user=nonrootuser dbname=thedatabase");

note: PHP website can connect with no problems to this local postgres db; apache runs as nobody, connecting via a PHP db_connect as "user=someotheruser dbname=thedatabase".

"thedatabase" looks like:
checkout | table | someotheruser

So I did a grant all priviliges for "nonrootuser" and "nobody" on all tables in "thedatabase". I do a \z on a table and see my grant.. but it isnt working. Not sure what else to provide at this time to help anyone willing to help me.. Just ask and I'll be able to provide any info on request.

So.. my question: How do we get unix command line user "nonrootuser" to run a script as "nonrootuser" and access "thedatabase"? I searched the docs already and so now I am here begging for help :)



Kristopher Spencer-Yates
Sr. Programmer/Systems Administration

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