
I have a DB in which items which are 'always valid' have a from_date of
19000101 000000+1 (Europe/Berlin)
When i try to restore the same DB to (Europe/Bucharest), instead of
19000101 000000+2, the timestamp becomes "1900-01-01 00:44:24+01:44:24"
which is ... strange. 
My software then complains (...correctly) that 01:44:24 is not a valid

Am i doing something wrong, or should i report this to pg-bugs?
Is there any way i can avoid this issue other than setting Timezone for
the DB to (Europe/Berlin)? I am considering UPDATE on the rows to 1901
or some such... but that's a very gimmicky solution.

Thank you,
Andrei Prodan
Awinta Consulting S.R.L.
Canaluluistr. 44
505600 Sacele
Brasov, Romania
Tel. +40368 / 441024
Fax. +40368 / 441024

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