Hello all, im having a problem with a crashed database and im looking
for help to try recover any data from my last backup.

Thats the situation, i found this error on postgresql logs 15 days ago:

 invalid memory alloc request size 4294967295

Then,  10 minutes later i got on my logs:

:  processo do servidor (PID 23639) foi terminado pelo sinal 11     --
server process terminated by signal 11
:  terminando quaisquer outros processos do servidor ativos
*** glibc detected *** postgres: schema database IPADDRESS19207) idle:
corrupted double-linked list: 0x0882a080 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
postgres: schema database IPADDRESS(19207) idle(errhint+0x5c)[0x8233f7c]
postgres: schema database IPADDRESS(19207) idle(quickdie+0x6c)[0x81ba58c]

Few hours later the machine complete freeze, its a old machine, and
was holliday, so the support guy just reboot the machine and go away.

Some services return ok, but during the week some errors begins popup,
checking the log errors we get:

could not open "pg_clog/0202": File or directory not found.

One of the db admin google this error and found this answer in pt-br:


In short terms, it says to create the files with dd if=/dev/zero
of=pgdata/pg_clog/0001 bs=512b count=1

and run pg_resetxlog -f -x 0x100000 -l 0x1,0x1,0x65

After do that, the query select * from pg_tables returns an error at
pg_toast index,  after some REINDEX table at it, it was possible to do
this query, but only returns tables from postgresql, but no to my

Now, if i do a select on one of my large tables, it takes a good
amount of time to return an answer, but returns without any rows, and
if i try to run REINDEX table mytable, i get the error:

ERROR:  could not create unique index
DETAIL:  Table contains duplicated values.

Now im here looking for help.

Anyone know anything i can do to try access my data, im restoring my
last backup, but i want try everything to get the most recent before
give up.

Thanks in advance.

PS: Please, cc me a reply cos im not in the pgsql list.

Samuel Abreu de Paula
Mike Ditka  - "If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have
given us arms."

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