I'm getting duplicate rows returned.  I don't know know and can't find
out how to construct the SQL to return what I want.  I have an old
version of postgres which I cannot upgrade.  I'm not even sure how to
get the version.  Does this help?

$ grep -i version ..../pi/bin/setup
export wtversion

My SQL knowledge is quite limited so I've searched all over the net
and read doco but I can't figure this out.

I want to find the total number of hours worked on all projects with
projects.parent="Projects", projects.pct<100, restrictions.hidden=5
(not hidden)

I keep getting duplicate records and I think it's it's becuase I'm
joining a table on 2 other tables.  I've tried INTERSECT but I keep
getting parse errors and can't work out why that is.  I've tried
creating a temp table but still have to do the twin joins!!  I've also
tried creating a view but without success

Here's an example of correct data, a single user and a single project

select username, sum(hours)
from timerecs
where project like 'Testing'
and username = 'long'
group by username

username |sum
long     |127

but there will be many projects to process and to select the
applicable projects requires test on 2 other tables, projects and

$the_sql  = " SELECT projectname, username, sum(hours)";
$the_sql .= " FROM timerecs";
$the_sql .= " WHERE projectname = projects.projectname ";
$the_sql .= " AND projectname = restrictions.projectname";
$the_sql .= " AND projects.parent = 'Projects'";
$the_sql .= " AND projects.pct < 100";
$the_sql .= " AND restrictions.hidden = 5";
$the_sql .= " AND projectname = 'Testing'";     # just for tsting
$the_sql .= " AND username = 'long'";           # just for testing
$the_sql .= " AND projectname = projects.projectname ";
$the_sql .= " GROUP BY projectname, username";
$the_sql .= " ORDER BY projectname, username";
$the_sql .= " ;";


1 Testing|long|254

How do I get the right list of projectname from timerecs by joining
with the projects and restrictions tables?
I've tried SELECT DISTINCT projectname but make no difference.  If I
take the 'restrictions' join out it's fine.  I've also tried prefacing
all column names with table names without any change


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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