Thank you for your recommendation
I was able to get this to work
(using PG SQL parser to parse out two dimentional PG array
where the array data came from my client program instead of 
a DB value)

select ('{{A,B,C},{D,E,F}}'::text[][])[i][j] from
  generate_series(1, array_upper('{{A,B,C},{D,E,F}}'::text[][], 1)) i
  cross join 
  generate_series(1, array_upper('{{A,B,C},{D,E,F}}'::text[][], 2)) j

On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:17 +0100, "Sam Mason" <> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 01:41:12PM -0400, V S P wrote:
> >  but running into a problem as I cannot typecast correctly
> >  
> >  select V[i][j]
> >  FROM
> >  (select '{{A,B,C},{D,E,F}}') as V
> >   CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 3) i
> >   CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,2) j
> >  
> >  Does not work, because V is not an array (it is a string)
> >  and I do not know where to put the typecast
> >  ::text[][]
> Not sure what you tried, but the following does the "right" thing for
> me:
>   SELECT ('{{A,B,C},{D,E,F}}'::text[])[1][1];
> The brackets are needed so that PG doesn't get confused between the type
> declaration and the array indexing.
> -- 
>   Sam
> -- 
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Vlad P
author of C++  ORM

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